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All posts in category Geeky Goodness

a Magical mail delivery – bonus post

Introduction Those of you who’ve been reading my blog for a while know that I sometimes get unusual calls from my boyfriend when he’s at work. Well today I got another one, but this time it was not tied to a request for me to craft nerdcore jewelry. A Mysterious Package So, Jeremy called me […]


7 craftsy things to do with Magic cards

My boyfriend and I play a lot of Magic. And playing a lot of Magic means having a lot of Magic cards around the house. A lot of cards. We’re talking infestation levels. We had to empty one of our dresser drawers in order to store them all, and the collection keeps growing. You regular […]

Pipe Vault t-shirt dress

Ok y’all, I was going to start out nice and simple with my tutorials on t-shirt dress-making, but where’s the fun in that? Let’s just jump right into the deep end. What’s the worst that could happen? This dress was made from a unisex 2XL t-shirt, specifically the Pipe Vault shirt by Fangamer. (If you […]

Microsoft Windows earrings

When your boyfriend works as a professional videographer and writer of silly/funny web videos, you sometimes get interesting phone calls. Yesterday’s went something like: Me: Hello? B/f: Hey sweetie, listen, do you think when you get home tonight you could make a pair of earrings that look like the Windows logo? We need them for […]

frilly t-shirt mod – weekend confirmed!

All right ladies, you know the drill. This is about modifying awesome t-shirts from awesome events where they only carry apparel in awesome over-large unisex sizes. Awesome sauce all round. My boyfriend acquired this week’s t-shirt (very limited edition) at PAX two years ago, where the 1Up Yours guys tossed them to the crowd during […]

la moustache (on a stick)

James Bond, Peter Parker or any competent six-year old can tell you that disguises are very important. You never know when you’re going to encounter monsters, evil masterminds or your mother calling you in for your bath. It’s critical never to be caught unprepared.

cassette tape notebooks

Last week I told you that flowers are in, very in. Well vintage is also very in, along with retro and old school. And though it might sadden you to realize it, cassette tapes are entirely old school these days. How many of us even own a tape player anymore? I sure don’t, though I […]