Today’s post is simple, silly and will make you think about something that gives any sane person a shiver of abject horror; Tommy Wiseau’s film, The Room. The Room is possibly the worst movie ever… well I hesitate to use and thus desecrate the word “created.” “Spewed forth into the world” is more accurate. If you’ve […]
paper Valentine’s candy packets… with a sinister twist
bug-eyed fleece monster hats
While roaming the internet last week, I found a site telling me that January 20th is Hat Day (along with being Cheese Day, Inaugeration Day and Penguin Awareness Day. January 21st is Squirrel Appreciation Day. Seriously.) I knew this must be true, since as we all know, the internet does not lie. It just… contradicts […]
banana birds – blanket stitching & inside-out seams
Sunday afternoons should look like this: a glass of red wine, a relaxing craft project and dinner in the slow cooker, steaming up the windows and making the neighbours drool at the smell winding through the building. Sadly, the view from the couch where I sit with my glass of wine and crafting looks awfully […]
derpy penguin bags (and why James Joyce is hazardous to your health)
It’s been one of those weeks. It’s been the week, really – the week that vacation is over and it’s back to work and school and no more obeying those natural body rhythms that keep you in bed till noon. It’s a cruel world. We got back from our vacation last Monday morning and I had a […]
derpy penguin dolls & penguin bowling
Tis the season of penguins! And a lot of other stuff, like eggnog and pretty lights and reindeer antlers and super annoying pop remixes of Christmas carols. But for today, we’re focusing on penguins. These little guys are adorable as decorations or as playthings for the kids in the house. If you fill the bottoms […]
microwavable wheat bag monsters
safjsadjdlksajkljfowieafenvlkdsnv!!! That there is an alphabetical reflection of how my insides are feeling right now, as I and the rest of the Desert Bus team scramble to finish every last bit of prep for the big event, which starts at 6pm today. A mishmash of excitement, anxiousness and oh-my-holy-bus-I’ll-never-get-everything-done-in-time dancing around in my stomach, which […]