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All posts in category Costumes

homemade fezzes and a Doctor Who party

Last week we said farewell to our friend Ash, who has now moved away to experience new things in new places. Ash, along with her brother Steve, is the creator of Megacynics, one of the few webcomics I actually read on a regular basis, and one I recommend. A while ago she did a couple […]


Assassin’s Creed 3 hood – this time it’s a full tutorial!

Remember several weeks ago when I posted about making an Assassin’s Creed 3 costume piece for a LoadingReadyRun video? The post where I was like, “this turned out so well, it totally wasn’t even that tricky to do, isn’t it awesome” and then didn’t include a tutorial. Cuz I’m a jerk. Well this week I’ve […]

one headband for every occasion

I’ve talked before about how headbands are cool – not anywhere near as cool as bowties or fezzes, but they’re still pretty nifty (and we’ll get to bowties and fezzes in later posts, I promise). But as much as I like headbands, I don’t wear them often enough to need a whole army of them […]

Zelda health bar hat – a geeky Valentine

I’ve spent the last few weeks pounding my head against the sugar-coated mountains of Valentine’s Day paraphernalia that floods the internet at this time of year, trying to inspire myself with some kind of brilliant craft honouring this saccharine holiday. It has been to no avail. It comes down to this: I simply do not […]

SPIDERS! twitch twitch twitch

I hate spiders. They’re unnatural. I know they are actually entirely natural, but they shouldn’t be, and they give me the willies. My boyfriend gives me that “you’re bigger than they are, they have more reason to be scared of you have to be scared of them” business, but of course it doesn’t help. To me, […]

needle felted eyeballs

My eye doctor (wanting me to see the benefit of glasses despite only needing a corrective lens for one eye) always used to tell me that “two eyes are better than one.” Well Dr. Pohl, I was listening. And if two eyes are better than one, than three, four, five or six eyes must surely […]

adding animal-eared hoods to shirts – & tips for a tiger dress

Halloween approaches, and with it the daunting annual search for a costume that is comfortable and covers more of the body’s surface area than a teatowel. At least, I am a fan of costumes that are comfortable and non-skanky. And here’s a little revelation: it is possible to have an awesome, effective and interesting costume that […]