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All posts in category Jewelry & accessories

needle felted eyeballs

My eye doctor (wanting me to see the benefit of glasses despite only needing a corrective lens for one eye) always used to tell me that “two eyes are better than one.” Well Dr. Pohl, I was listening. And if two eyes are better than one, than three, four, five or six eyes must surely […]


creative uses for pinback buttons… and all about PAX!

First off, I apologize for not putting up a post last Friday. I was in Seattle, busily depriving myself of sleep and being surrounded by 90,000 or so amazing people. It was awesome. My lack of posting was less than awesome, but let’s remember my double post of the previous week and move along, forgiving […]

braided paper bracelets and bookmarks

Braiding, according to some random and unverifiable website I saw once, is a task with “Ancient World Origins,” practiced around the world and probably dating back ages and ages and signifying different things in different cultures and maybe even linked to way old-school deities. I’d look this stuff up properly, but I had a super […]

button jewelry

Crafting isn’t always about making nice things from the ground up. Sometimes it’s simply about finding already-nice things and putting them to nice, new use. Take buttons. They’re cute (as a button, of course), lightweight, colourful and come with tidy little holes for attaching them to stuff. They’re also small, which means you can have […]

rolled felt pendants

The internet, I’m sure you’ve noticed, seems to be largely made up of people who are creative in some unusual ways, and have a little too much time on their hands. This week I found an amazing example of this very person type, and decided to copy it. While browsing around for craft ideas and […]

7 craftsy things to do with Magic cards

My boyfriend and I play a lot of Magic. And playing a lot of Magic means having a lot of Magic cards around the house. A lot of cards. We’re talking infestation levels. We had to empty one of our dresser drawers in order to store them all, and the collection keeps growing. You regular […]

Microsoft Windows earrings

When your boyfriend works as a professional videographer and writer of silly/funny web videos, you sometimes get interesting phone calls. Yesterday’s went something like: Me: Hello? B/f: Hey sweetie, listen, do you think when you get home tonight you could make a pair of earrings that look like the Windows logo? We need them for […]