While roaming the internet last week, I found a site telling me that January 20th is Hat Day (along with being Cheese Day, Inaugeration Day and Penguin Awareness Day. January 21st is Squirrel Appreciation Day. Seriously.) I knew this must be true, since as we all know, the internet does not lie. It just… contradicts […]
bug-eyed fleece monster hats
plastic tub party hats
When enough champagne is imbibed, people become willing to put just about anything on their heads and pose for a picture.* Or so I’m hoping, since this week my mom and I made several silly, colourful party hats from old yogurt tubs. With New Year’s Eve happening tomorrow, I have a perfect opportunity to test […]
SPIDERS! twitch twitch twitch
I hate spiders. They’re unnatural. I know they are actually entirely natural, but they shouldn’t be, and they give me the willies. My boyfriend gives me that “you’re bigger than they are, they have more reason to be scared of you have to be scared of them” business, but of course it doesn’t help. To me, […]
needle felted eyeballs
My eye doctor (wanting me to see the benefit of glasses despite only needing a corrective lens for one eye) always used to tell me that “two eyes are better than one.” Well Dr. Pohl, I was listening. And if two eyes are better than one, than three, four, five or six eyes must surely […]
adding animal-eared hoods to shirts – & tips for a tiger dress
Halloween approaches, and with it the daunting annual search for a costume that is comfortable and covers more of the body’s surface area than a teatowel. At least, I am a fan of costumes that are comfortable and non-skanky. And here’s a little revelation: it is possible to have an awesome, effective and interesting costume that […]
dressmaking without a pattern (cheat to win)
I have a problem with patterns. Clothing patterns specifically. And I blame the people who make said patterns for this. Because when all is said and done and I’m sitting on the floor, hunched over, fingers sore from ripping out thousands of stitches, with a dress that is somehow two sizes too large despite having […]
bleaching designs onto t-shirts
When you were kids, your moms and science teachers all told you not to play with chemicals and other fun stuff, right? Today we’re going to play with chemicals and other fun stuff. Our lovely Seattle friends Thomas and Dikla visited last weekend, and Thomas wanted to try out the t-shirt bleaching technique he’d been […]