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masking tape tree paintings

The apartment war continues, my friends. This week, those white walls get dealt with.

Dedicated readers may remember my horror over the endless stretch of blank white living room wall when we moved into this apartment back in June. A Great White expanse, sterile and soul-sucking, and – since we’re renters, not owners – taunting my inability to paint it.

There were several problems inherent in the decoration of this space:

  • Since it’s such a large wall, no one painting or picture can reasonably fill it, thus we need many paintings/pictures/etc.
  • An offshoot of the above problem is that they had to be the same many items – with the rest of the room the way it is, I was convinced that too many different things on that wall would turn the space into visual chaos and an instant headache.
  • We’re in a rental apartment, so painting the wall is out.
  • There’s a heater that runs the entire length of this freaking wall, so we couldn’t, say, hang curtains along the wall or lean several floor-to-ceiling monocoloured canvasses up against it (and where would I find that big a canvas, and how much would it cost, and how in heck would I get it home if I did find one??)
  • I wanted to keep this relatively cheap, since who knows if we’ll need these decorations in a future space, and what if whatever I tried to make just didn’t work and was a waste of material?

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bug-eyed fleece monster hats

While roaming the internet last week, I found a site telling me that January 20th is Hat Day (along with being Cheese Day, Inaugeration Day and Penguin Awareness Day. January 21st is Squirrel Appreciation Day. Seriously.) I knew this must be true, since as we all know, the internet does not lie. It just… contradicts itself. Frequently. Which is why I then found several more sites informing me that Hat Day (National? International? They didn’t say.) is actually on January 15th, always and without question.

Well whatever, sometime this week is or was Hat Day, and I mean to celebrate in style, whether or not I’m a few days late.

It’s also been snowing this week, which is an unusual event in this temperate (read: constantly pouring rain) coastal region. And boy, do West Coasters ever get whiny about snow! All around me people are utterly failing to see this as an opportunity for wearing cute toques (that’s winter hats, for all you non-Canucks) and matching mittens and making snow sculptures. This is precipitation you can craft with, people! You can’t build a damn thing out of rain, I’ll tell you that.

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banana birds – blanket stitching & inside-out seams

Sunday afternoons should look like this: a glass of red wine, a relaxing craft project and dinner in the slow cooker, steaming up the windows and making the neighbours drool at the smell winding through the building.

Sadly, the view from the couch where I sit with my glass of wine and crafting looks awfully white, and not because of a nice snowfall. Our horribly vast, blank walls are still horribly vast and blank, despite my determination when we moved here back in June to deal with this problem straight away. We didn’t even put many Christmas decorations up, which would have combatted the whiteness somewhat. Since we were away for the holidays, a tree seemed unnecessary, and when I went to get out the other decorations, I discovered that the mice who invaded our old place just before we moved thought boxes of Christmas ornaments were a nice place to set up house. Meaning poo in. They also ate all but one of my straw stars from Germany. I didn’t have time to deal with clearing out rodent latrines before we left for the holidays, so most of the decorations didn’t go up.

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derpy penguin bags (and why James Joyce is hazardous to your health)

It’s been one of those weeks. It’s been the week, really – the week that vacation is over and it’s back to work and school and no more obeying those natural body rhythms that keep you in bed till noon. It’s a cruel world.

We got back from our vacation last Monday morning and I had a plan. A plan for the week’s blog post. Then, due to missing a key material, that plan went poof. So then I made a new plan: the post would be about how to make the item I was missing. And then it turned out I was also missing an ingredient that I would need to make the missing item. So I came up with another, totally new plan, but then I decided I didn’t like it. Plus there was the we-didn’t-have-time-to-clean-the-house-before-we-left-on-vacation thing, the vacation’s-over-but-all-my-motivation-has-evaporated-indefinitely thing and the whole show-up-to-work-every-day thing. Urgh.

On top of all this, my boyfriend is reading Ulysses.

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my favourite tutorials of 2011

I’ve seen several people doing year-end wrap up posts today with their Top [instert number here] Projects/Blog Posts/Reminiscences of 2011, and I thought I’d finish out the year in style by copycatting them. I hear cats are popular on teh internets these days.

I was going to choose my five favourite posts, but I just couldn’t narrow it down enough. And then I got to thinking, who says we have to use numbers like five and ten all the time? Where did that come from? What about the other numbers, like 4, and 6, and 9? I bet they feel left out and neglected. It’s numerical favouritism! And maybe that kind of thing was ok in 2011, but it’s practically a new year now, baby, and in 2012 numerical favouritism simply will not stand.

So here are my personally chosen top seven blog tutorials from 2011, counting backwards.

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plastic tub party hats

When enough champagne is imbibed, people become willing to put just about anything on their heads and pose for a picture.* Or so I’m hoping, since this week my mom and I made several silly, colourful party hats from old yogurt tubs. With New Year’s Eve happening tomorrow, I have a perfect opportunity to test this hat-wearing theory against my friends’ levels of inebriation. I’ll be sure to keep my iPhone close at hand so I can share the results of my research in picture form.

*Unless they’re my friend Paul, who doesn’t require the champagne step, and has made his adventures in headgear choice into a YouTube meditation. But only Paul can be Paul – other people require champagne.

This particular craft could also be used to provide celebratory headgear for other occasions, such as birthdays, retirement parties and royal weddings. If Princess Beatrice had had access to this blog post before the recent nuptials of William and Kate, maybe she’d have saved herself some unfortunate attention.

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paper pillow boxes

Tomorrow is Christmas – it’s practically here! Well, the day after tomorrow. But in my family we hold to our German heritage and open presents on Christmas Eve, so it really does feel like tomorrow is Christmas. Which means that we’re all busily dodging my mother as she yells for one of us to do or find or clean this, that or the other, as we ourselves rush around trying to get presents wrapped.

All this present wrapping has made me realize that along with jingle bells, reindeer, mistletoe and goodwill towards men, ’tis the season of boxes. Close on the heels of the hunt for the perfect present comes the hunt for the perfect box. In the attic of my parents’ house is a collection of boxes in every size. They tell our family’s story almost as precisely as a photo album, boxes from stores in Calgary, Berlin, Florence, Paris, Montreal, Kansas, Victoria, San Francisco – a trail of our travel adventures and various homes. Yesterday, I sat there with a box full of these boxes, playing at being Goldilocks. The Florentian stationary box was too small, yet the rectangle that once contained chocolate covered cherries was too big. In the search for a box that was just right, I decided to simply make some of my own.

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