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All posts found when searching for t-shirt mod

beginnings – galaxy dress

We all like to pretend a lot of things about ourselves. Like that we never get morning breath, are always likeable, don’t sweat (or don’t smell funky when we do), always know what we’re doing, meant for it to happen that way, and OMG totally didn’t see that email, so sorry (but actually just didn’t feel […]


shortening skirts, re-hemming skirts, & salvaging screw-ups

It sure has been a week. Yes it has. There were social engagements nearly every evening, tons to get done at work, I spent a couple days fighting off some kind of cold that wanted to subdue me, I finished two commission projects, we had a 4-hour Desert Bus 6 meeting on the weekend, and […]

dressmaking without a pattern (cheat to win)

I have a problem with patterns. Clothing patterns specifically. And I blame the people who make said patterns for this. Because when all is said and done and I’m sitting on the floor, hunched over, fingers sore from ripping out thousands of stitches, with a dress that is somehow two sizes too large despite having […]

fabric garlands – it’s party time!

Guess what? It’s been a whole year!!! That’s right, a year ago I began blogging, shouting into the bustle of the internet, waving my arms and hoping to be heard above all the tweets and the porn and the snickering over at 4-Chan and the sound of puppies being cute and of kittens reducing people […]