Last week LoadingReadyRun made the official announcement that Desert Bus 5 will begin on November 18, 2011. This closely concerns all you artists and crafters out there, especially those who like to make nerdy, geeky, I <3 Mario stuff. Allow me to explain.
First of all, what is Desert Bus for Hope?
Desert Bus for Hope is an exquisite form of torture. Conceived of and put into practice four years ago by LoadingReadyRun, its goal is to raise absurdly large amounts of money for the Seattle-based children’s charity Child’s Play. The participants of Desert Bus dedicate themselves to playing an infernally boring video game (called Desert Bus) 24 hours a day. The amount of money donated by viewers determines how long this goes on for. And it’s all streamed online for your morbid entertainment.
In order not to pass out from boredom and exhaustion, we at Desert Bus dance and sing and put shoes on our heads. We wear silly hats and play charades and tell outlandish stories. We also auction really cool stuff to raise even more money. A bunch of that stuff is handmade, making it even cooler. And that’s where you come in.