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Christmas Eve present wrapping

Merry almost Christmas! I’ve been crafting incessantly for the past three weeks, making gifts and getting ready for this, my favourite holiday. I’m frankly crafted out, and looking forward to simply watching people receive my creations for the next couple days.

But of course the last step, after buying or making gifts, is to wrap them up. I enjoy getting fancy about this, making things look pretty on the inside and the outside, but I also enjoy using the materials I have on hand to keep things cheaper and also more unique. Here are a few ideas for creative gift wrapping as you sit with a glass of wine, paper, scissors and ribbon, preparing for Christmas Day. (Or, for those of you who celebrate European-style like my family, as you frantically wrap things to be un-wrapped later tonight.)

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paper ornaments – it’s Magic!

My friends and I have been playing a lot of Magic over the last few months. For those who don’t know, it’s a highly addictive fantasy-world card game that encourages you to buy way too many bits of beautifully decorated, heavyweight paper. Ie: cards.

Not only have we all been buying a lot of cards, my friends have also been sent a bunch of free Magic stuff from various people. So there are a ton of these little bits of pretty paper floating around. Far too many to use at once. What’s the most practical thing to do with pretty leftover things? Craft!

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sewn paper garlands

Now that we’re well past Halloween, Thanksgiving and even the first days of December, I feel I can safely delve into the realm of Christmas decorations. Dante may not have mentioned it, but rest assured that there’s a special Hell for people who play Christmas carols in the malls before December first.

Christmas is often a time of stressful expenses, overbearing in-laws and fears of giving in to the delicious consumption of whole blocks of fudge. In response, this week’s post is about creating lovely seasonal decorations quickly, easily, at no cost and with no saturated fats.

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plush pig (inspired by Desert Bus 4)

Play Minecraft, watch Top Gear, get pig.

This phrase became a meme during Desert Bus 4 this year, and pigs (sugared pigs in particular) were much in demand during the event. If you don’t know why, it’s probably not worth trying to figure out. It’s one of those “you had to be there” things, and attempting to explain it will only leave you wondering at the state of my mental faculties. Basically, the end story is that everyone needs a pig or three. Here’s how to get yours.

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quick & easy piggy costume (a Desert Bus craft-along)

I have something a little different for you this week. First of all, it’s three days late, which is different. It’s also a video, completely unedited and with random people in costume wandering through the background. And I have no intention of apologizing for these things* because I spent all last week helping to organize and run Desert Bus for Hope 4. For three days I didn’t really sleep, just took a couple all too brief naps. I danced, I sang, I did data entry, I answered emails, I sang some more and I made pig ears.

This is how to make pig ears (and a nose) using paper.

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customize your pencils (while tuning in to Desert Bus for Hope)

It’s Friday, and we’re all waiting for 6pm PST, when the 4th annual Desert Bus for Hope begins. While you’re waiting, why not think back to a different age, when chunks of graphite embedded in bits of wood were used to note down thoughts, ideas, messages and more. An age when writing devices came in every colour and pattern imaginable, instead of just black or white with an apple on the back.

This blog post explains the very simple process of customizing pencils. You could give them as a nostalgic Christmas present, use them to jot down ideas for challenges during this year’s Desert Bus or perhaps write a letter of love and adoration to Rosco P. Jangles IV, Desert Bus mascot and the most awesome duck in the universe.

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Microsoft Windows earrings

When your boyfriend works as a professional videographer and writer of silly/funny web videos, you sometimes get interesting phone calls. Yesterday’s went something like:

Me: Hello?

B/f: Hey sweetie, listen, do you think when you get home tonight you could make a pair of earrings that look like the Windows logo? We need them for that video we’re filming tomorrow.

Me: Um. Yes? Maybe? Well I can try. (Thinking: I so do not have time for this, like, at all right now, but I’m completely incapable of saying no to new crafting projects and/or people needing my skills. Damn!)

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