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the Dark Side of crafting – bonus post

Those of you who follow my Tally_LRR account on Twitter saw me griping yesterday about the fact that I didn’t get into a Seattle craft fair and consequently all my crafting is pointless. This seemingly outrageous jump is largely hormonal, but I bet there are other folks out there who can relate.

My Twitter comment about needing to compete in the crafting world may have been misleading. I craft because I love crafting, just as I sing because I love singing and play video games because I love blowing shit up and giving our old folks and politicians something to get up in arms about, as it were.

I don’t craft because I plan to make a living off it (though a small amount of extra income wouldn’t be unwelcome) or because I think it’ll someday land me on Oprah. I craft because I usually can’t stop myself and wouldn’t want to.


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homemade rubber stamps

I have a love/hate relationship with rubber stamps. As with die-cuts, I hate to use them because they’re not mine, and I feel like it takes away from the personalization of my cards. On the other hand, stamps are terribly convenient and frequently adorable. That’s why I decided to try making some of my own.

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round paper earrings

Today’s post comes to you via special request from Twitterer thatlaurachick. Woot!

I love earrings the way some women (with more closet space) love shoes. The way some obscenely rich people love Prada bags and BMWs. The way – just to bring it down to earth a little – some people love fantasy novels and polyhedral dice; I collect them, and I have way too many.

But as with shoes, and as with fantasy novels, there are a lot of shitty, poorly made and just plain ugly earrings out there. As well as many that are over-the-top and outrageously priced. Unlike shoes and readable fantasy novels, however, it’s easy to make your own earrings.

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frilly t-shirt mod – weekend confirmed!

All right ladies, you know the drill. This is about modifying awesome t-shirts from awesome events where they only carry apparel in awesome over-large unisex sizes. Awesome sauce all round.

My boyfriend acquired this week’s t-shirt (very limited edition) at PAX two years ago, where the 1Up Yours guys tossed them to the crowd during their panel. Jeremy (who you can see making fabulous faces in last week’s post) wore it a couple times but gave up on the shirt as workable apparel since it was too short for him. Tall slender people have it so hard.

But you can’t just ditch a one-of-only-X-number-printed t-shirt, especially when it says “Weekend Confirmed.” It would be wrong. Puppies would die in Siberia. Somewhere, the deity of small print-run t-shirts would cry.

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Moustache on a stick – version 2.0

A few weeks ago I did a quick and easy tutorial for moustaches on a stick (which, if you didn’t know, are très à la mode these days as well as being great for a fast escape or some on-the-side spy work during your lunch break). Everything is, of course, better on a stick. Consider caramel apples, kebabs, those ginormous lollipops you were allowed to have like, once during your entire childhood and it was bigger than your head and you never quite finished it and the edges got all fuzzy but it was still pretty much the best thing ever. Stuff on a stick just rocks.

So. Moustaches. On sticks.

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monsters of cuteness

The art of creating monsters is a varied one. For some people it’s as simple as a little drunken procreation. Others slave away in dripping cellars, stitching together bits of this cadaver and that one and waiting for a thunderstorm. But my method is quite different from both of these, and is clearly superior due to the involvement of brightly coloured felt.

Also, you can wear them.

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homemade envelopes: fewer chemicals, more character

Why do they make the gum stuff on envelopes taste so nasty? Are they worried about kids practicing substance abuse with envelopes? Because if so, I think that’s pretty unfair to all the kids who, like me, grew up in smaller towns in places like Kansas, where there aren’t hookers and blow on every corner and you have to make your own fun.

Anyway. The point here is that envelopes taste nasty when you lick ’em shut. Which naturally leads to the conclusion that you should avoid that gross taste in your mouth by making your own envelopes. Also, it’s really easy to make envelopes. You’re kind of being suckered if you’re buying them from the store. Just saying.

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