Announcements announcements announcements! PAX Prime starts in just a couple days, and I am delighted to have the privilege of heading up a panel there this year. I’m sure it will be no surprise that the panel is about crafting – geek crafting in particular. Hopefully a bunch of you reading this already know about […]
crafting panel at PAX Prime!
vandal eyes
As I’ve mentioned before, I know a number of people who enjoy sticking googly eyes on things. Who doesn’t, really? It’s awesome! And when Anne Wheaton started her vandaleyes Tumblr a few days ago, I absolutely had to submit some of my own photos of eyeballed inanimate objects. For tons of googly eyes awesomeness, check out, Magic […]
googly eye earrings
The first I myself saw of it was from Amanda the Great, who started sticking them amusingly onto Magic the Gathering playing cards for her Tumblr, Magic Cards With Googly Eyes. Shortly after that, while cruising the internet for craft ideas and such, I encountered several blogs and online groups devoted to eyebombing. Then I […]