I have disliked candy “conversation hearts” since, well, ever. Which isn’t proper grammar, but neither are those dumb hearts. I dislike their chalky taste*, pastel colours (I like pastels fine in Monet paintings and summer dresses, but that’s about it) and completely inane, saccharine and usually irrelevant text. Why on earth are they called “conversation” […]
DIY improved conversation hearts AND hexagonal boxes
etched glass jars
Here’s a bit of crafting advice: don’t brush your teeth with the same toothbrush you use to scrub chemical substances off your craft projects. I know, you’d think this would go without saying. But you’d also think I’d have known better than to dump green dye down a white porcelain sink that one time (I […]
paper Valentine’s candy packets… with a sinister twist
Today’s post is simple, silly and will make you think about something that gives any sane person a shiver of abject horror; Tommy Wiseau’s film, The Room. The Room is possibly the worst movie ever… well I hesitate to use and thus desecrate the word “created.” “Spewed forth into the world” is more accurate. If you’ve […]