This week’s tutorial is going to be a little different than usual, in part because variety is fun, and in part because I was on vacation most of the last week, and the whole point of vacation is, I feel, somewhat ruined if one spends it worrying about how to get a blog post prepared. […]
(future) lemon trees!
banana birds – blanket stitching & inside-out seams
Sunday afternoons should look like this: a glass of red wine, a relaxing craft project and dinner in the slow cooker, steaming up the windows and making the neighbours drool at the smell winding through the building. Sadly, the view from the couch where I sit with my glass of wine and crafting looks awfully […]
simple paper circles wreath
Now that we live in a massive, meandering apartment complex with multiple wings and fire doors placed with a frequency optimal for hindering those attempting to lug overfull hampers to the laundry room, I’ve noticed a need for door decorations. Two needs, actually. First, there’s keeping up with the Joneses or the Smiths or whoever […]
leafy paper chains
I’ve been wanting to do some Christmas decorating, but a few things have been holding me back. First and foremost is my total lack of time, as I desperately try to get ready for Christmas and do a hundred other things. This past week I’ve been working on a very neat commission project, and completing […]
needle felted birds – and an Iconocraft Christmas!
After all I said last week about holding off on Christmas decorations, it my seem a bit ironic that my friends and I held a Christmas craft fair last night. But with Desert Bus starting next week, and the venue being pretty much booked solid through the rest of this year, we had to make […]