Well this is a bit embarrassing. Last time I put a proper tutorial up on this blog, it was Halloween season. And now it’s the Christmas season, with a big huge lapse of DIY silence in between. I’m afraid that with my day job, commission work and additional Desert Bus for Hope responsibilities this year, […]
embossed paper “beach ball” ornaments
mummify a bottle of wine
Halloween is upon us!* If you need a quick host/ess gift for a party you’re attending, might I suggest a bottle of wine that will double as Halloween decor? It’s super easy to do, and super quick. And how much better to drink wine that is actually the blood of an ancient undead than just […]
fall leaf napkin rings
Here in Canadaland, Thanksgiving comes early. It seems strange to our American neighbours, but this coming weekend, not even halfway through October, we will be sitting down to a stomach-bloating meal of turkey and mashed potatoes and all the other traditional foods. My husband and I are hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year, so I thought […]
zombie valentine
Alright guys, I have a different sort of valentine for you. It’s perfect for those with a love for intellect, puns, gummy candies and the drooling, shambling, gently oozing undead. I’m woefully not at all pro-level-awesome at digital drawing, but I still think this image turned out pretty cute, so I’m posting it as a […]
paper Fire Flower bouquet
Valentine’s Day is a month away, meaning that Pinterest and Craftgawker and a thousand other online craft venues are drowning in it. As I’ve discussed before, I have a weirdly antagonistic attitude towards Valentine’s Day. At Easter I will gladly coo over sweet baby things, at Christmas I’ll happily haz all the feelings over seasonal […]
Advent calendar plus fake mantelpiece!
So, I’m sorry about the total lack of blog post last week. To be fair, I was a little busy. Desert Bus for Hope ran for 152 hours and raised over $443,000, and it sort of kind of looked a bit like this: That’s the incredible Desert Bus 6 poster created by official Desert Bus […]