A while ago I shared what it was like to construct 65 very fuzzy, very orange Kobold plushies. This week, I’m going to take you behind the scenes of some of the creation of 50 very cool, very sunglasses-wearing Pineapple Maki plushies. What fuzz levels did this project create? How many felt shapes did I […]
a field of Pineapple Maki plushies
dice bags of many designs
A couple of years ago I started making dice bags here and there, for fun and for sale and for gifting. I’d make them out of various scraps of cool fabric I had around, or appliqué images onto them that suited the people I was giving them to. At the end of this post, I’ve […]
Featherweight’s loop scarf
Happy Thursday everyone! I have a special treat for you today: a craft tutorial in comic form, from the incredibly talented Featherweight. I first met Featherweight (in a virtual sense) through the Desert Bus for Hope Craft-Along. He is a maker of many things, from paintings and comics to puppets and props, and over the years […]
the making of 65 kobold plushies
Back in the spring of 2013, I agreed to make a large number (large by the standards of things that are handmade, anyway) of plush kobolds for 9th Level Games, who were Kickstarting a deluxe edition printing of their popular game Kobolds Ate My Baby. In December, the kobolds were finally shipped out, to terrorize […]
fall leaf napkin rings
Here in Canadaland, Thanksgiving comes early. It seems strange to our American neighbours, but this coming weekend, not even halfway through October, we will be sitting down to a stomach-bloating meal of turkey and mashed potatoes and all the other traditional foods. My husband and I are hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year, so I thought […]
flat bottomed appliquéd tote bag
Starting in this month, I’ve taken up a nanny job once again (this is my third time nannying over the past decade – I just keep falling back into it somehow). This means that, in addition to the posts about our wedding that I’m finally almost ready to post, there will probably be a higher […]
Craterhoof Behemoth plushie
Before all the wedding and honeymoon and 30-turning events of this summer, my husband – who’d gone back to school to complete his BA after a break of several years – graduated. Because why not do everything in one summer? This was an occasion we felt needed to be adequately marked with celebration. My father-in-law and […]