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SPIDERS! twitch twitch twitch

I hate spiders. They’re unnatural. I know they are actually entirely natural, but they shouldn’t be, and they give me the willies. My boyfriend gives me that “you’re bigger than they are, they have more reason to be scared of you have to be scared of them” business, but of course it doesn’t help. To me, every spider might as well be Shelob. I know they’re coming for me. I know they plan to crawl over my face while I sleep, throwing themselves into my mouth in their suicidal desire to make true that outrageous statistic that we all eat 4 spiders a year in our sleep. Don’t kid yourself, they’re coming for you too.

Unfortunately, Halloween is a time when North America embraces spiders as a jolly way to celebrate the season, which just goes to show you how messed up our culture is. People think it’s a great idea to stick big hairy fake spiders to shop windows windows and shove plastic arachnids in your jello. People decorate with these horrid little (or, in cases like this, big) monsters.

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Zergling plush – bonus post

Today I bring you another photo-heavy episode in the annals of custom plushie making, and the first one that ventures away from Magic the Gathering and into the realm of video and computer games.

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needle felted eyeballs

My eye doctor (wanting me to see the benefit of glasses despite only needing a corrective lens for one eye) always used to tell me that “two eyes are better than one.” Well Dr. Pohl, I was listening. And if two eyes are better than one, than three, four, five or six eyes must surely be better than two!

I feel these are particularly appropriate for the Halloween season (though extra eyes could come in handy any time of year). What better way to spook the place up than with a load of disembodied eyeballs floating around? And there’s the totally creepy aspect of repeatedly stabbing a long sharp needle into an eye (which is how you make these…).

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skeleton head treat boxes

When craft and hobby stores start displaying holiday decorations three months out of season (grrrr), it becomes particularly satisfying to ignore them and make one’s own festive decor using stuff already on hand around the house. Especially if you’re using craft supplies from other holidays. I’ll definitely be stocking up on cheap plastic Easter eggs this spring, as I have been continually discovering great crafting uses for them.

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paper cornucopia – happy Canadian Thanksgiving

Canada is a hipster nation. Before the Pilgrims went to Plymouth rock and got all famous and stuff, they ran aground on Newfoundland. Yup, we had the Pilgrims before the Pilgrims were cool. Anyway, they tried to make a go of it in good old Newfoundland, but it was way too damn cold and there weren’t enough friendly corn-wielding natives around to help them out, so they gave it up for a bad job and went south just far enough that only half their toes froze off during their first winter. And this is why we Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in early October (which is way too damn early if you ask me, but I appear to be the only person in the entire country who thinks so).*

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adding animal-eared hoods to shirts – & tips for a tiger dress

Halloween approaches, and with it the daunting annual search for a costume that is comfortable and covers more of the body’s surface area than a teatowel. At least, I am a fan of costumes that are comfortable and non-skanky. And here’s a little revelation: it is possible to have an awesome, effective and interesting costume that is flattering AND covers your ass. Imagine.

I’ve decided to be a tiger this year. Cats are cute, and tigers are awesome and they’re colourful – what’s not to like? I also had an idea for making a really cute tiger dress. Good thing I started with a solid concept in mind, because Google search offered pretty much no inspiration. Nearly everything that came up for “tiger costume” was either a full body fur suit that would make you drown in your own sweat, or something a hooker might wear for Furries Night.

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dressmaking without a pattern (cheat to win)

I have a problem with patterns. Clothing patterns specifically. And I blame the people who make said patterns for this. Because when all is said and done and I’m sitting on the floor, hunched over, fingers sore from ripping out thousands of stitches, with a dress that is somehow two sizes too large despite having measured myself, the pattern, and (just for practice) half the household furniture three times, my world is already unraveling, and blaming myself for this entire debacle would simply add to the devastation. So I direct my anger outward at those faceless pattern creators who have crushed my fashionable hopes and dreams.

My mom has told me that clothing patterns nearly always fit at least two sizes to large, but even when I size them down they remain too big. Which is outrageous considering that these are not abstract small, medium, large sizes, they’re sizes that come with specific measurements! Even I could do better at sizing! I, who failed 11th grade math! Honestly, I’m pretty sure a demented iguana could make more sensible patterns.

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