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lacy bodice greeting card

I like making cards, particularly cards that are a little different from everyone else’s. (Otherwise what’s the point – why not just buy someone else’s cards?)

I came up with the idea for this lacy kind of burlesque bodice card while thinking about pirates. Actually, I was making another card, a pirate card (see below), and I started to wonder what a really girly pirate card would look like. It’s not a direct line (my thinking never is), but that thought pattern turned into this card.

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scoop-neck t-shirt mod

So my blog post is late this week. *GASP OF HORROR* Well, I’m pretty horrified, but I did have a good reason for not doing it yesterday: I was out in the woods climbing trees and swinging from bits of rope 45 feet in the air in celebration of a friend’s birthday. Seriously. And it was awesome. And my abs totally hurt now.

Not that I couldn’t have written this post earlier in the week. So really it comes down to me being lazy and unorganized. Plus I was busy making my friend’s birthday gift. And rescuing orphans from burning buildings, which went fine until I had to get their sweet little kitten down from a tree across the street, at which point I tore my cape on a branch, so I had to spend some time later mending it. There were some tree sap stains as well, and those are a bitch to get out.

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la moustache (on a stick)

James Bond, Peter Parker or any competent six-year old can tell you that disguises are very important. You never know when you’re going to encounter monsters, evil masterminds or your mother calling you in for your bath. It’s critical never to be caught unprepared.

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cassette tape notebooks

Last week I told you that flowers are in, very in. Well vintage is also very in, along with retro and old school. And though it might sadden you to realize it, cassette tapes are entirely old school these days. How many of us even own a tape player anymore? I sure don’t, though I refuse to get rid of a handful of my favourite old tapes.

What with your iPod or your iPhone or even your non Apple brand mp3 player (I hear that some people have those??), you sure don’t need to carry around cassettes, but they’re kind of fun to remember fondly. Here’s a project that combines the charm of such an outdated piece of technology with different functionality – notebooks!

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easy felt flowers

Flowers are in. Very in. Perhaps it’s merely the season, or the never-do-anything-truly-new-just-recycle-every-20-years laws of fashion. Or perhaps a world so full of little black and white iPhones is craving colour. Whatever the reason, I love this trend. Unlike neon leg warmers, it’s a good one. (Even Barbie never truly pulled those off.)

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two ways to make felt beads

I love felt. It’s lightweight, it comes in every imaginable colour, it does not require hemming. It’s soft, it’s versatile, it’s inexpensive. And it brings back happy childhood memories. Who else out there remembers felt boards? Good stuff.

Felt is basically made by mashing a bunch of wool fibers together until they become one big mass. There are a couple different techniques for doing this, one involving hot soapy water and one involving sharp stabby needles. Each has its advantages, and today’s post will explain how to use each of these methods to make simple felt beads, leaving you to practice and then move on to make felted scale models of the Starship Enterprise, or whatever your preference may be.

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beach ball paper beads

Ah paper, that wonderful, colourful diverse medium with which you can do just about anything. Even make jewelry. Generally speaking, paper is an under utilized medium for things like fashion, so you can make a pretty unique statement with a few of these dead tree beads hanging around your neck. Paper jewelry is also a fabulous use for otherwise un-usable tiny paper scraps.

Here’s a way easy method for making some way nifty paper beads to get you started on your paper jewelry making. Or garland making or bookmark tassel making, or whatever else one might do with beads.

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