I’ve talked before about how headbands are cool – not anywhere near as cool as bowties or fezzes, but they’re still pretty nifty (and we’ll get to bowties and fezzes in later posts, I promise). But as much as I like headbands, I don’t wear them often enough to need a whole army of them […]
one headband for every occasion
paper plants
All of my houseplants go through a sort of trial by fire. Or trial by neglect, to be more accurate. If they can withstand my general gardening ignorance and sporadic-at-best attention, they get to stay. If not… well in that case there isn’t much of them left anyway, is there? It’s not that I dislike […]
felt circle flowers
I just looked through all my recent posts and realized that the last 3 (not including the Scaled Wurm bonus post) have been about crafts done with felt. I’m beginning to appear obsessed. In the interest of continuing to be unbalanced, this week’s post is also about a felt craft, but I promise to post a […]
open-ended paper heart box
Ah, Valentines’ Day. The 24-hour span responsible for the greatest number of breakups in the year. A day that drips with soggy Hallmark declarations, bursts with the emotion of panicked last-minute lovers in flower shops, rings with the voices of a million untrustworthy women saying, “No, no, you don’t need to get me anything.” A […]
easy felt flowers
Flowers are in. Very in. Perhaps it’s merely the season, or the never-do-anything-truly-new-just-recycle-every-20-years laws of fashion. Or perhaps a world so full of little black and white iPhones is craving colour. Whatever the reason, I love this trend. Unlike neon leg warmers, it’s a good one. (Even Barbie never truly pulled those off.)
cherry blossoms – in felt!
I recently got back in touch with an old junior high friend. No, that makes me sound more proactive than I truly am. She got in touch with me. Turns out she’s also into the whole writing scene, and has a rather entertaining blog called Wifeish. If you suffer spring allergies from your local flora’s […]