It’s birthday month! I recently discovered via graphs and official information gathering (someone else’s) that this isn’t actually true, but it always seems to me as if there are more birthdays in March than practically any other month. So yeah, apparently not true, but I’m still sticking with calling it birthday month. It’s my birthday month, […]
scrap paper garlands
leafy paper chains
I’ve been wanting to do some Christmas decorating, but a few things have been holding me back. First and foremost is my total lack of time, as I desperately try to get ready for Christmas and do a hundred other things. This past week I’ve been working on a very neat commission project, and completing […]
needle felted eyeballs
My eye doctor (wanting me to see the benefit of glasses despite only needing a corrective lens for one eye) always used to tell me that “two eyes are better than one.” Well Dr. Pohl, I was listening. And if two eyes are better than one, than three, four, five or six eyes must surely […]
felt scraps garland
Y’know those cartoons where some hapless mom opens their kid’s bedroom closet and is engulfed by an avalanche toys, clothes, dirty dishes, rabid dust bunnies and heaven knows what else? Well that’s becoming the state of my crafting corner. The biggest offender is my fabric pile, which I never seem to reduce quite enough, partially […]
sewn paper garlands
Now that we’re well past Halloween, Thanksgiving and even the first days of December, I feel I can safely delve into the realm of Christmas decorations. Dante may not have mentioned it, but rest assured that there’s a special Hell for people who play Christmas carols in the malls before December first. Christmas is often […]
paper pumpkins
Now that we’re halfway through October it truly is the season of creepy dolls and intricately mutilated gourds. I’m not usually big on decorating, except at Christmas, because there just isn’t room in our place. (Where does Martha Stewart keep all her gold plated pine cones, swan feather wreaths and foil-wrapped heart garlands in the […]