It occurs to me that if I’d taken all the time I’ve spent on small, bits-and-pieces Halloween-y costume pieces this year and put it together, I could have actually had time for making a proper, full on costume. But then I’d have had one costuming blog post instead of three. Plus I’ve discovered a brilliant […]
DIY glasses-and-moustache disguise
homemade rubber stamps
I have a love/hate relationship with rubber stamps. As with die-cuts, I hate to use them because they’re not mine, and I feel like it takes away from the personalization of my cards. On the other hand, stamps are terribly convenient and frequently adorable. That’s why I decided to try making some of my own.
Moustache on a stick – version 2.0
A few weeks ago I did a quick and easy tutorial for moustaches on a stick (which, if you didn’t know, are très à la mode these days as well as being great for a fast escape or some on-the-side spy work during your lunch break). Everything is, of course, better on a stick. Consider […]
la moustache (on a stick)
James Bond, Peter Parker or any competent six-year old can tell you that disguises are very important. You never know when you’re going to encounter monsters, evil masterminds or your mother calling you in for your bath. It’s critical never to be caught unprepared.