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crafting panel at PAX Prime!

Announcements announcements announcements! PAX Prime starts in just a couple days, and I am delighted to have the privilege of heading up a panel there this year. I’m sure it will be no surprise that the panel is about crafting – geek crafting in particular. Hopefully a bunch of you reading this already know about the panel, from all my hyperventilating tweets when it first got approved, and my subsequent blathering on about getting ready and excited and totally nervous for it.

The full panel description can be found here, but I’ll just copy it out for you as well, because I’m nice like that. And  because I want you to stay on this page and keep reading after the description, to find out more about the awesome people who will be on this panel with me.


For the Love of Making: Geek Arts and Crafts

Ever noticed how many geeks and gamers are also gifted artists and crafters? Maybe you’re such a person yourself. From sewing cosplay costumes and knitting Nyan cat scarves to building Portal guns and sculpting polymer Creeper figurines, or just sticking googly eyes to everything in your vicinity, creating things is hugely satisfying, and a great way to express your love of games and more. Join a group of geeky crafters who will share what inspires them, why they craft and how they’ve learned a whole variety of crafting skills and techniques. Share your own ideas, ask for crafting advice and get inspired! The panel features Desert Bus for Hope Craft-Along Coordinator Tally Heilke, Amanda of the Magic Cards with Googly Eyes Tumblr, pixel-quilting pro Sewing Punzie, everything modder extraordinaire Charlie Falcone, costume-maker Heather Dery, and a special surprise guest!


All those wonderful people named as panelists have a varied array of crafting backgrounds and expertise. Below is a bit more information about them, and if you keep reading I’ll even let you in on the little secret of who our special guest will be.


Amanda Casperson, artist and Magic crafter. She draws, paints, designs tattoos, and has a proclivity for crafting all manner of things related to Magic the Gathering. She is, in fact, the woman behind the delightfully amusing Magic Cards With Googly Eyes tumblr.


Punzie McGinty, pixel seamstress. As well as bags, Kindle cases, laptop cases and to-donate-for cookies (she’s a member of the amazing Cookie Brigade), Punzie makes a splendid array of quilted pillows and blankets, with tiny fabric squares composing pixel-art images of beloved retro video game characters.


Charlie Falcone, everything modder extraordinaire. He takes computers, bags and generally just whatever he feels like and turns them into fully functional works of art, giving them themes, flashing lights, cool colours and sometimes even a dragon or two. His modding work can involve anything from welding, carving and etching to braiding and sewing.


Heather Dery, costume creator and plushie maker. Heather is a veteran of countless conventions and has a huge number of cosplay creations to her name, and has recently completed schooling in professional costume design and creation. She also knits remarkable pixel afghans in her spare time. Y’know, like while riding the bus.


And of course myself, but if you are here reading this you probably already know what sorts of crafting shenanigans I get up to.

In addition to our panelists, we are delighted to also have a special guest joining us to talk a bit about her crafting specialty, eyebombing. I’ve mentioned this form of street art before, just go look through that post if you’re not familiar with the concept, or better yet, come to our panel!

Anne Wheaton will join us to talk about her new and quickly spreading hobby, which she and her partner in eyebombing crime Bonnie Burton have dubbed VandalEyes. I’ve previously mentioned Anne and her VandalEyes tumblr, which you should go spend some time browsing through anytime you need to add some cheer to your day. Or just anytime, really.


We are all extremely excited to be doing this panel. We love (are addicted to, really) crafting of all kinds, and we know that PAX-goers are an incredibly creative and craftsy bunch of people. We hope you’ll join us with your crafting thoughts, inspirations and questions this Saturday at PAX, at 5:30 in Raven Theatre. Hope to see you there!!


Finally, on a different topic, I’m bringing some tentacled friends with me to PAX. These are the very first custom, handmade Podipus plushies to be made available – they’re based off Leelee Scaldaferri’s delightful octopus character in her comic NameGame, and I’m delighted to be working with her to make these special adorable critters available to the public. They take time to make though, and thus are in limited supply! There will be 5 available at the Extra Credits table in Bandland, where you will find Leelee and the rest of the Extra Credits team.

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