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bonus post – crafting comic by Megacynics

Guys. Guys guys guys guys guys! I have something delightful and craft-related I must share with you.

I am lucky enough to count many very talented people among my friends, one of whom is Ash Vickers, the artist behind the webcomic Megacynics. I had the privilege of appearing in her comic once before, and the last week I had the honour of appearing in it again when she posted what is now I think my favourite comic ever. Because it is about crafting, and having a totally all-consuming crafting addiction.

While obviously highly exaggerated for webcomic-y effect, it is basically a perfect description of my crafting life… my poor fiancé puts up with rather a lot.

Here is just one panel of this glorious comic – click on the image or on this link to see the full comic.

For another awesome crafting and geek related comic, check out this Dork Tower strip. Beautiful commentary on, well, just read it and you’ll see. It’s a favourite of mine.

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