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felt pins for PAX… and the PAX crafting panel!


It’s that time of year again, the time when my friends and I all run around the internets screaming “PAX is coming, PAX is coming” at the top of our online lungs. And this year, inspired by the new and burgeoning Pinny Arcade pin trading phenomenon, I decided to bring some very special pins of my own to PAX.

In addition to another round of TallysTreasury buttons featuring four of the past year’s plushie projects (which I intend to hand out like candy), I’ve made about 30 pins from wool felt, cut out and machine sewn in tiny 1-2 inch detail, and featuring a variety of imagery from well-loved video games, tv shows, movies and more. And a few darling one-eyed monsters of my own creation, because as you know, I have a deep fondness for derpy monster-making.

Each felt piece is between about 1.5 and 2 inches in size, and has a pin backing sewn to its back. My plan is to festoon my bag and lanyard with these pins, and anyone who finds me and is interested can claim one of their choosing for $10. They’re the only handmade fiber pins I know of at PAX, and I’ve only got about 30 for sale, so talk about limited edition items! Plus I happen to think they’re super fun and will make your PAX lanyard just that much more special. :)


As for where to find me, well I’ll probably be hanging around the LoadingReadyRun table in bandland now and then, as that’s where my husband and a number of friends will be spending a fair bit of time. I’ll also probably be wandering around the show floor lots, chatting with people and checking out all the awesome that PAX has on display.

And on Sunday, you can come to this year’s crafting panel: For the Love of Crafting II: The Wrath of Yarn. It’s at 8:30pm in the Raven theatre. I’ll be moderating, and this year we have another awesome lineup of panelists:

And not only will we be talking about crafts, showing pictures about crafts, answering questions about crafts and generally squeeing over crafts, crafts and more crafts, we’ll also be giving away some great homemade craft items and DIY kits! Plus it will be one of the best places to meet and get to know some like-minded geeky crafters, and maybe even find inspiration for a new project or five. We hope to see you there!


And now, pins! We’ve got some classic video games represented:


nintendo pins


Pretty dice and pretty ponies:

dice and rainbows


Pins for space lovers of all types:



And lots of darling derpy monsters:



So come find me at PAX and get a pin!



(This one’s mine)



Final photo: here’s the very special pin I made for my husband Jeremy. He wanted it to have a duck. I decided a D&D theme would be good too. And then he very tentatively but hopefully asked if the duck could be a wizard, with a tiny hat and wand… so this was the result:



And now, I must run away and do laundry and pack, because PAX IS COMING, PAX IS COMING!!! Hope to see you at there!



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  1. Squeeee! I only have tickets for Monday, though :-( I really hope there will be a pin left!

  1. R2D2 dress and hat | Tally's Treasury