So now that Halloween is over, it’s time to get out the Christmas decorations, right? WRONG! But without any other big holidays between now and December 25, people apparently get antsy and just can’t help digging out the tinsel. Still, before you start jingling the bells, let’s pause and remember that there is one official holiday […]
SPIDERS! twitch twitch twitch
I hate spiders. They’re unnatural. I know they are actually entirely natural, but they shouldn’t be, and they give me the willies. My boyfriend gives me that “you’re bigger than they are, they have more reason to be scared of you have to be scared of them” business, but of course it doesn’t help. To me, […]
needle felted eyeballs
My eye doctor (wanting me to see the benefit of glasses despite only needing a corrective lens for one eye) always used to tell me that “two eyes are better than one.” Well Dr. Pohl, I was listening. And if two eyes are better than one, than three, four, five or six eyes must surely […]
skeleton head treat boxes
When craft and hobby stores start displaying holiday decorations three months out of season (grrrr), it becomes particularly satisfying to ignore them and make one’s own festive decor using stuff already on hand around the house. Especially if you’re using craft supplies from other holidays. I’ll definitely be stocking up on cheap plastic Easter eggs this […]
paper cornucopia – happy Canadian Thanksgiving
Canada is a hipster nation. Before the Pilgrims went to Plymouth rock and got all famous and stuff, they ran aground on Newfoundland. Yup, we had the Pilgrims before the Pilgrims were cool. Anyway, they tried to make a go of it in good old Newfoundland, but it was way too damn cold and there […]
leafy felt plants with needle felted accents
The other day I looked over into the corner of my office where I pile the things that will need dealing with soon but not right now, and realized that my one poor little office plant was back there, looking decidedly unhappy. I wrote a while ago about how I’m not the best grower of […]