Remember that time I was on Feed Dump, and we discussed a news story about a guy who stole beer while dressed in a penguin onsie, and I was all: Wait where do I get a penguin onsie?! Well you can buy them all kinds of places, and lots of people sent me links with that wonderful […]
penguin onesie
3 geeky dresses for PAX
PAX starts tomorrow and my wardrobe is READY. The readiness of many other aspects of my PAX attendance is a little questionable still, but my clothing choices have been made (and then that chosen clothing made, b/c I imagined it rather than actually finding it in a store) & scheduled & I am ready! I […]
R2D2 dress and hat
I made another dress! I’m sure you’re all shocked. Every PAX I find myself scrambling with some awesome project that I only thought of at the last minute but am desperate to have done in time. This year it was all those felt pins I posted about the other day, and an R2D2 outfit. […]
DIY glasses-and-moustache disguise
It occurs to me that if I’d taken all the time I’ve spent on small, bits-and-pieces Halloween-y costume pieces this year and put it together, I could have actually had time for making a proper, full on costume. But then I’d have had one costuming blog post instead of three. Plus I’ve discovered a brilliant […]
ping pong eyeballs headband
Different crafts serve different purposes. They fulfill different needs. Some crafts fulfill the need to make something cuter. Some crafts fulfill the need to make something functional. Some crafts fulfill the need to dress up, to keep body parts warm, to decorate for a party, to de-uglify the living room curtains, to wrap presents in […]
pirate eye patch
Yarrr, me hearties, it be Friday, and time for some craftin’! Next Wednesday, the 19th September, be Talk Like A Pirate Day, and ye best be prepared! Brush up on yer Pirate with this instructional video. Set sail to a tropical isle to get ye a parrot friend. And get yer pirate garments well in […]
LRR scouts – an outdoorsy adventure in web video costuming
I was never in Girl Scouts or Girl Guides or (obviously) Boy Scouts or Cub Scouts or any of the various youthful North American scouting groups there are to be in. I know that Boy Scouts carry pocket knives (well so do I, thanks very much) and Girl Scouts sell cookies, and that the Girl […]