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All posts tagged cheap

easy peasy redecorated coasters

Today, dear readers, a quiz: What’s the first thing you do when preparing to move? Is it: A) Calmly assess your packing needs and begin to look for boxes. B) Book a moving van and start sucking up to your friends. (“Oooh, you have such impressive biceps! I bet you can lift really heavy stuff!”) […]


upcycled cardboard & fabric bracelets

Alright boys and girls, here’s an original, totally Tally craft idea directly inspired by my conversion to West Coast use-your-trash Hippie-ism. As opposed to Midwestern donate-your-yogurt-tubs-to-local-kindergarten-art-teachers-and-throw-the-rest-away-cuz-the-recycling-companies-don’t-function-properly-out-here-ism, I suppose. But I digress. Next week, remind me not to write blog posts after a couple glasses of wine. Thanks to making all those ribbon roses last week, […]