Announcements announcements announcements! PAX Prime starts in just a couple days, and I am delighted to have the privilege of heading up a panel there this year. I’m sure it will be no surprise that the panel is about crafting – geek crafting in particular. Hopefully a bunch of you reading this already know about […]
All posts tagged Knitting
crafting panel at PAX Prime!
Posted by Tally on August 29, 2012
finger knitted necklace scarves
I refuse to learn how to knit. Not because it’s not a great craft – you can make incredible things, knitting. Hats, sweaters, dolls, scarves, more scarves… I know full well how much crafting potential lies in knitting, which is exactly why I won’t do it. I’ve got so many crafts on the go already; […]
Posted by Tally on March 5, 2010