PAX starts tomorrow and my wardrobe is READY. The readiness of many other aspects of my PAX attendance is a little questionable still, but my clothing choices have been made (and then that chosen clothing made, b/c I imagined it rather than actually finding it in a store) & scheduled & I am ready! I […]
3 geeky dresses for PAX
R2D2 dress and hat
I made another dress! I’m sure you’re all shocked. Every PAX I find myself scrambling with some awesome project that I only thought of at the last minute but am desperate to have done in time. This year it was all those felt pins I posted about the other day, and an R2D2 outfit. […]
lined dice bags – for all your polyhedral needs
PAX is coming, PAX is coming! The Penny Arcade Expo, that massive convention of video game goodness and fellowship, begins next Friday, and it’s time to prepare. There’s tons of advice out there about how to survive a convention, the most common salient points being things like: shower daily, wear comfortable shoes, carry hand sanitizer […]
frilly t-shirt mod – weekend confirmed!
All right ladies, you know the drill. This is about modifying awesome t-shirts from awesome events where they only carry apparel in awesome over-large unisex sizes. Awesome sauce all round. My boyfriend acquired this week’s t-shirt (very limited edition) at PAX two years ago, where the 1Up Yours guys tossed them to the crowd during […]