PAX starts tomorrow and my wardrobe is READY. The readiness of many other aspects of my PAX attendance is a little questionable still, but my clothing choices have been made (and then that chosen clothing made, b/c I imagined it rather than actually finding it in a store) & scheduled & I am ready! I […]
3 geeky dresses for PAX
Featherweight’s loop scarf
Happy Thursday everyone! I have a special treat for you today: a craft tutorial in comic form, from the incredibly talented Featherweight. I first met Featherweight (in a virtual sense) through the Desert Bus for Hope Craft-Along. He is a maker of many things, from paintings and comics to puppets and props, and over the years […]
finger knitted necklace scarves
I refuse to learn how to knit. Not because it’s not a great craft – you can make incredible things, knitting. Hats, sweaters, dolls, scarves, more scarves… I know full well how much crafting potential lies in knitting, which is exactly why I won’t do it. I’ve got so many crafts on the go already; […]