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All posts in category Felt

felt jellyfish

I’ve been making a lot of octopuses lately. No, not octopi, that’s something else  – the correct plural is in fact octopuses, as my friend Leelee will adamantly explain if you doubt me. First I made little free standing octopuses for my store, because they are cute and fun and that is half the reason […]


LRR scouts – an outdoorsy adventure in web video costuming

I was never in Girl Scouts or Girl Guides or (obviously) Boy Scouts or Cub Scouts or any of the various youthful North American scouting groups there are to be in. I know that Boy Scouts carry pocket knives (well so do I, thanks very much) and Girl Scouts sell cookies, and that the Girl […]

homemade fezzes and a Doctor Who party

Last week we said farewell to our friend Ash, who has now moved away to experience new things in new places. Ash, along with her brother Steve, is the creator of Megacynics, one of the few webcomics I actually read on a regular basis, and one I recommend. A while ago she did a couple […]

felt pigs

A Moment of Immodesty Several months ago, I had a stroke of utter genius. I admit to pridefully thinking that I’ve done something rather clever now and then when it comes to craft ideas and execution, but this is the one thing I’ve come up with that I actually think was somewhat brilliant. I’m certain […]

felt spheres

Your first question here may very well be “Why?” And that’s understandable. But I promise you there are some excellent reasons to want to make little felt spheres, and they have nothing to do with making juvenile jokes about how many balls you have. Though you can do that too. This tutorial is the beginning […]

banana birds – blanket stitching & inside-out seams

Sunday afternoons should look like this: a glass of red wine, a relaxing craft project and dinner in the slow cooker, steaming up the windows and making the neighbours drool at the smell winding through the building. Sadly, the view from the couch where I sit with my glass of wine and crafting looks awfully […]

plastic tub party hats

When enough champagne is imbibed, people become willing to put just about anything on their heads and pose for a picture.* Or so I’m hoping, since this week my mom and I made several silly, colourful party hats from old yogurt tubs. With New Year’s Eve happening tomorrow, I have a perfect opportunity to test […]