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Pineapple Maki plushies

Today, I get to reveal a super exciting secret project I’ve been working on recently! I’ve mentioned Strip Search before on this blog, and how much fun I was having watching it. Well it finally came to a close, following which a number of the show’s contestants started running Kickstarters for their various webcomic projects.

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felt birthday cake crown

And I’m back! Things are finally going to get back on schedule around here, starting off with an actual, honest-to-goodness full crafting tutorial! About time.

Today’s post is about celebrating birthdays, but don’t worry, all you who are waiting for more about weddings. I have several posts in the works about the wedding, from the dress (and the last minute emergency mod of it, oh wasn’t that an adventure!), to the flowers and decorations, to just what all those crayons (I bought 25 boxes of crayons) were for, to the actual whole bit where oh my gosh we got married! It’s all coming. Our photographer is working tirelessly on getting all the photos processed so I can show you these many glorious things. But you can’t rush good work, so while we wait, it’s birthday time.

Just after our return from a glorious San Francisco honeymoon, a friend of ours had a birthday. He invited us out for a celebratory dinner, and I decided to start back into my crafting by making a little something to mark this special occasion. To make sure everyone at the restaurant knew just who the birthday boy was.

So happy birthday to our friend Johnny! Here’s how you can make a similarly embarassing awe-inspiring crown for your own pal.

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I got married!!!

I apologize for the lack of blog posts lately. It’s been a very busy time, because something very exciting just happened on Sunday: I got married!

Photo by Andrew Ferguson, goldengod.net

My handsome new husband and I are honeymooning in San Francisco this week, and after less than 24 hours in this city we are already in love with it. I’m thinking I may post here about some of our adventures (and the food!) over the course of the week.

Normal blog posts will resume shortly, probably next week. More pictures and posts about the wedding will appear over the next little while as well.

And now, we are off to have honeymoon adventures!

Photos by Matthias Heilke

Go Home Dinosaurs plush


That seemed an appropriate way to start off this post. Anyway, this week I’m going to talk about a game. All this wedding planning combined with all the other stuff I’ve committed to doing lately is, well, I’m not going off the deep end or anything, but I might be dipping my toes in a bit.

To relax, I’ve been playing some iOS games in the evenings before bed. Pocket Frogs, Bejeweled, stuff like that. And a game called Go Home Dinosaurs, which is absofreakinglutely adorable.

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bonus post – crafting comic by Megacynics

Guys. Guys guys guys guys guys! I have something delightful and craft-related I must share with you.

I am lucky enough to count many very talented people among my friends, one of whom is Ash Vickers, the artist behind the webcomic Megacynics. I had the privilege of appearing in her comic once before, and the last week I had the honour of appearing in it again when she posted what is now I think my favourite comic ever. Because it is about crafting, and having a totally all-consuming crafting addiction.

While obviously highly exaggerated for webcomic-y effect, it is basically a perfect description of my crafting life… my poor fiancé puts up with rather a lot.

Here is just one panel of this glorious comic – click on the image or on this link to see the full comic.

For another awesome crafting and geek related comic, check out this Dork Tower strip. Beautiful commentary on, well, just read it and you’ll see. It’s a favourite of mine.

Triforce coin pouch

Sometimes you need a place to keep small treasures and the little items that are always getting lost in the bottoms of pockets and purses. A little fabric pouch will help you keep your stuff organized and easily to hand, and you can even attach it to your key ring or a bag strap or handle of easy access. And obviously, it’s way cooler if it comes with a bit of childhood video game nostalgia.

This week’s tutorial will show you how to make a simple and cute zippered coin purse in the shape of a triangle, featuring a Triforce. It’s a very quick and easy project once you know the steps, and I promise that there is no need to fear the zipper! Zippers are one of those parts of sewing that we so often glare at in mild terror and suspicion. But I promise you they’re not that hard to deal with, and certainly not in this tutorial. Trust me, and come along on this journey. Defeat the zipper. Master the zipper.

TLDR: It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this. 

You can also do some sweet things with round coin purses. A round coin purse pattern is also provided for any who’d like to experiment.

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Wedding favours for kids and adults

I’m not a big fan of wedding favours, to be honest. On all these bridal sites they list ideas like commemorative keychains and magnets with the happy couple’s names and image emblazoned upon them like some bizarre “I was there” wedding tourist trophy.

Plus getting all that stuff manufactured somewhere is going to be some kind of expensive and it’s also just more plastic in the world, yay. They’re like special occasion UPOs – Useless Plastic Objects – as my dad called McDonald’s toys and all the other cheap plastic detritus that tends to clutter the life of anyone with kids. I did not want UPOs to be part of my wedding.

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