When you were kids, your moms and science teachers all told you not to play with chemicals and other fun stuff, right?
Today we’re going to play with chemicals and other fun stuff.
Our lovely Seattle friends Thomas and Dikla visited last weekend, and Thomas wanted to try out the t-shirt bleaching technique he’d been seeing around online. We did some internet research, bought thrift store t-shirts (we already had a plenty of bleach on hand from this bit of questionable advice, filmed at our place a few weeks ago) and got to work.
One of the brilliant things about making designs with bleach (apart from the playing with chemicals part) is that you’re not adding paint or ink, so the design can never wear off. Nor is it dyed, so the design also can’t wash out. In fact, as one of this year’s Desert Bus Craft-Alongers put it, “the graphic will never fade since it’s bleached into the fabric; the fabric can’t regain the colour.”
See? Brilliant.