This is such a neat idea! I came across it while perusing the internet for another craft entirely, and fell immediately in love. There are numerous tutorials out there, all of which use the same basic process, plus or minus certain details. This one is a good place to start and see the basic process in video form. Here’s another tutorial that takes a bit more time and care with the craft.
the literary purse – literally
postage stamp box
This is a long one but a good one, promise. Got lots of time to kill this weekend? Then this could be just the project for you.
Warning: if you are a serious stamp collector – if you steam stamps off of envelopes and keep them in little plastic sleeves – stop reading now. This craft will have you tearing out your hair and screeching about the mistreatment of valuable collectables. Otherwise, read on.
I love postage stamps. The colours, the designs! My mom (a member of the dying breed of avid and delightful letter-writers) and I play a little game, finding the most interesting possible stamps to put on our mail to one another. Among the best I’ve received from her are a stamp featuring the Very Hungry Caterpillar, one flaunting the classy and classic Miss Piggy, and another displaying Curious George. My best friend once sent me a parcel with a Yoda stamp affixed.
Obviously you just can’t throw these out! I’ve been tearing stamps off letters and saving them in a box since I was a kid, mostly for that magpie joy of collecting. Plus stamps are pretty and interesting. But a few years ago, my mom (yep, the credit for this craft goes to her) came up with a way to make use of all that used postage.
t-shirt scarves
I want to be clear from the outset that I can take absolutely no credit for the invention of this nifty little craft. A friend of mine shared the following link with me on how to make a scarf from an old t-shirt (absolutely no sewing required).
So I tried it out and was hooked: