Remember that time I was on Feed Dump, and we discussed a news story about a guy who stole beer while dressed in a penguin onsie, and I was all: Wait where do I get a penguin onsie?! Well you can buy them all kinds of places, and lots of people sent me links with that wonderful […]
penguin onesie
paper bats
For the first time in over eight years, I’m living in an actual house that has an entrance onto the street, and windows that are easily visible from the street. This means that we might actually get trick-or-treaters this Halloween! It means that if I put decorations in our windows, people might actually see them! […]
mummify a bottle of wine
Halloween is upon us!* If you need a quick host/ess gift for a party you’re attending, might I suggest a bottle of wine that will double as Halloween decor? It’s super easy to do, and super quick. And how much better to drink wine that is actually the blood of an ancient undead than just […]
Halloween party decorations
I must apologize for the fact that it is currently Monday, not Thursday, and this post was meant to be up on Thursday. It’s been a crazy week just passed and it’s only going to get worse as we get closer and closer to Desert Bus. Speaking of which, there are going to be a […]
DIY glasses-and-moustache disguise
It occurs to me that if I’d taken all the time I’ve spent on small, bits-and-pieces Halloween-y costume pieces this year and put it together, I could have actually had time for making a proper, full on costume. But then I’d have had one costuming blog post instead of three. Plus I’ve discovered a brilliant […]
ping pong eyeballs headband
Different crafts serve different purposes. They fulfill different needs. Some crafts fulfill the need to make something cuter. Some crafts fulfill the need to make something functional. Some crafts fulfill the need to dress up, to keep body parts warm, to decorate for a party, to de-uglify the living room curtains, to wrap presents in […]
ice cube tray candles, and BRAAAAAAINS!!!
Braaaains!!! On fire! Whether it’s Halloween or the Zombie Apocalypse, this craft has got you covered. And you can use the exact same steps in this tutorial with any silicone ice cube tray or mold to produce candles appropriate for all other times and events, too. Candle-making is actually a very simple craft in its […]