Crafting isn’t always about making nice things from the ground up. Sometimes it’s simply about finding already-nice things and putting them to nice, new use. Take buttons. They’re cute (as a button, of course), lightweight, colourful and come with tidy little holes for attaching them to stuff. They’re also small, which means you can have […]
rolled felt pendants
The internet, I’m sure you’ve noticed, seems to be largely made up of people who are creative in some unusual ways, and have a little too much time on their hands. This week I found an amazing example of this very person type, and decided to copy it. While browsing around for craft ideas and […]
round paper earrings
Today’s post comes to you via special request from Twitterer thatlaurachick. Woot! I love earrings the way some women (with more closet space) love shoes. The way some obscenely rich people love Prada bags and BMWs. The way – just to bring it down to earth a little – some people love fantasy novels and […]
beach ball paper beads
Ah paper, that wonderful, colourful diverse medium with which you can do just about anything. Even make jewelry. Generally speaking, paper is an under utilized medium for things like fashion, so you can make a pretty unique statement with a few of these dead tree beads hanging around your neck. Paper jewelry is also a […]
upcycled cardboard & fabric bracelets
Alright boys and girls, here’s an original, totally Tally craft idea directly inspired by my conversion to West Coast use-your-trash Hippie-ism. As opposed to Midwestern donate-your-yogurt-tubs-to-local-kindergarten-art-teachers-and-throw-the-rest-away-cuz-the-recycling-companies-don’t-function-properly-out-here-ism, I suppose. But I digress. Next week, remind me not to write blog posts after a couple glasses of wine. Thanks to making all those ribbon roses last week, […]
ribbons & renovations
I grew up in a house that had character. Translation: a house that was constantly being renovated. My brother and I spent a fair amount of time trailing behind my dad on trips to the hardware store, more because my mom wanted us out of the house for a while than due to any particular […]