Back in the fall, my friends over at LoadingReadyRun contracted me to make 50 Creepy Dolls for their Kickstarter. This is a plushie of a longtime LRR character with a bit of a random history. The Creepy Doll first appeared years ago in Kathleen De Vere’s webcomic Korea, as a character called the Littlest Reaper. Kathleen […]
The life and times of Creepy Doll hordes
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the making of 65 kobold plushies
Back in the spring of 2013, I agreed to make a large number (large by the standards of things that are handmade, anyway) of plush kobolds for 9th Level Games, who were Kickstarting a deluxe edition printing of their popular game Kobolds Ate My Baby. In December, the kobolds were finally shipped out, to terrorize […]
quick & easy photography backdrop
Between blogging about crafts and keeping up an Etsy store, I take a lot of photographs, and I want those photographs to look nice. Getting decent light is the biggest struggle, and I’ve added all kinds of extra lights to my windowless craft room to help with this. The second biggest struggle is background. I […]