I don’t know about the rest of you, but I enjoy going in to my professional office job looking like a 5-year old coming home from art class. So far I’ve found that paint, markers of any kind and food colouring help me accomplish this nicely. No matter how careful I think I’m being, I […]
Easter eggs with googly eyes
one headband for every occasion
I’ve talked before about how headbands are cool – not anywhere near as cool as bowties or fezzes, but they’re still pretty nifty (and we’ll get to bowties and fezzes in later posts, I promise). But as much as I like headbands, I don’t wear them often enough to need a whole army of them […]
paper Valentine’s candy packets… with a sinister twist
Today’s post is simple, silly and will make you think about something that gives any sane person a shiver of abject horror; Tommy Wiseau’s film, The Room. The Room is possibly the worst movie ever… well I hesitate to use and thus desecrate the word “created.” “Spewed forth into the world” is more accurate. If you’ve […]
bug-eyed fleece monster hats
While roaming the internet last week, I found a site telling me that January 20th is Hat Day (along with being Cheese Day, Inaugeration Day and Penguin Awareness Day. January 21st is Squirrel Appreciation Day. Seriously.) I knew this must be true, since as we all know, the internet does not lie. It just… contradicts […]
plastic tub party hats
When enough champagne is imbibed, people become willing to put just about anything on their heads and pose for a picture.* Or so I’m hoping, since this week my mom and I made several silly, colourful party hats from old yogurt tubs. With New Year’s Eve happening tomorrow, I have a perfect opportunity to test […]
simple paper circles wreath
Now that we live in a massive, meandering apartment complex with multiple wings and fire doors placed with a frequency optimal for hindering those attempting to lug overfull hampers to the laundry room, I’ve noticed a need for door decorations. Two needs, actually. First, there’s keeping up with the Joneses or the Smiths or whoever […]