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the cluttered state of crafting… and a giveaway!

This week, random stories and pictures, and a giveaway! Read through the post, then find the giveaway bit at the end, where you can win this adorable wee tentacled friend:


Since high school, I’ve moved to six different homes in two different countries, which isn’t that much moving compared to a lot of folks I know, but it’s been enough to help me cut down significantly on stuff. Every time I move, I get rid of more things (and it’s never enough). During our last move, my boyfriend and I got rid of a lot of books, and nearly all our DVDs. CDs all went in a binder in the closet and every. Last. Jewel case got thrown out. These were all things that we, at one point in time, were so proud to own, and so sure we’d want to keep forever. And we haven’t missed any of them.

Lately I’ve been trying (and mostly failing, but still trying) to clear out my crafting room a little and get rid of things I don’t need. It’s hard. Because with crafting, you could need just about anything at some point in time. All of it might be useful. But it certainly can’t be useful all the time, and in the meantime it takes up space. Space I could be using to craft in. Just the projects I actually am working on are enough to make my desk look like Santa’s Workshop after all the elves went on a bender and trashed the place.

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pirate eye patch

Yarrr, me hearties, it be Friday, and time for some craftin’! Next Wednesday, the 19th September, be Talk Like A Pirate Day, and ye best be prepared! Brush up on yer Pirate with this instructional video. Set sail to a tropical isle to get ye a parrot friend. And get yer pirate garments well in order. ‘Tis  known to all that they as dress like pirates do talk like pirates. So gather yer stolen silks and torn velvets, stitch yerself a sailcloth vest, pull on yer big black boots. And an eye patch! Ye must have an eye patch! ‘T’will make yer “YARRR”s more fearsome and yer “HAHARR”s more hearty.

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felt jellyfish

I’ve been making a lot of octopuses lately. No, not octopi, that’s something else  – the correct plural is in fact octopuses, as my friend Leelee will adamantly explain if you doubt me.

First I made little free standing octopuses for my store, because they are cute and fun and that is half the reason I make over half of the things I make. Then I made that octopus fascinator that I wore to Calgary Comic Con and that you may have noticed some delightful gentlemen modelling in my previous post. In June a friend and I conspired to create a large Podipus plushie for Leelee as a gift celebrating her graduation, and then I made (and am still making) a wee pink army of small Podipus plushies for Leelee to sell to her know-cute-things-when-they-see-them readers. I’ve also delved into some Cthulhu crafting of late, which of course also involves tentacles.

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PAX 2012 – an incredible weekend in review

There was no blog post on Friday, I know. I got crazy busy preparing for PAX and had no time to write a post in advance. And then as of Wednesday I was in Seattle doing pre-PAX stuff, and then PAX stuff, and it was crazy and wonderful and exhausting and left no time for blog posts. I regret that I didn’t have a chance to take many pictures at PAX this year, (or just forgot because I was so busy doing things), but I will share with you the few photos I did get of a bunch of random things. A sort of PAX scrapbook.

The thing is though, for the most part these photos I’m going to share don’t show the very best thing about PAX for me, which was visiting with people. I got to stop and talk to so many wonderful people at PAX – old friends and new friends, Twitter friends and people I’d already met in person, fans, Desert Bus supporters, fellow crafters, total strangers – and that, more than anything else, is what made the weekend so awesome. (That and the crafting panel. Which was really also talking to people – just a whole lot of people at once!)

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crafting panel at PAX Prime!

Announcements announcements announcements! PAX Prime starts in just a couple days, and I am delighted to have the privilege of heading up a panel there this year. I’m sure it will be no surprise that the panel is about crafting – geek crafting in particular. Hopefully a bunch of you reading this already know about the panel, from all my hyperventilating tweets when it first got approved, and my subsequent blathering on about getting ready and excited and totally nervous for it.

The full panel description can be found here, but I’ll just copy it out for you as well, because I’m nice like that. And  because I want you to stay on this page and keep reading after the description, to find out more about the awesome people who will be on this panel with me.


For the Love of Making: Geek Arts and Crafts

Ever noticed how many geeks and gamers are also gifted artists and crafters? Maybe you’re such a person yourself. From sewing cosplay costumes and knitting Nyan cat scarves to building Portal guns and sculpting polymer Creeper figurines, or just sticking googly eyes to everything in your vicinity, creating things is hugely satisfying, and a great way to express your love of games and more. Join a group of geeky crafters who will share what inspires them, why they craft and how they’ve learned a whole variety of crafting skills and techniques. Share your own ideas, ask for crafting advice and get inspired! The panel features Desert Bus for Hope Craft-Along Coordinator Tally Heilke, Amanda of the Magic Cards with Googly Eyes Tumblr, pixel-quilting pro Sewing Punzie, everything modder extraordinaire Charlie Falcone, costume-maker Heather Dery, and a special surprise guest!


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Convention prep – buttons and bag inserts

It’s one of those little those little truths in life: there are never quite enough pockets. Whether in bags, backpacks, pants or other clothing articles, there are just never quite enough pockets not to be shuffling your fingers around the bottom of your bag, looking for whatever small item has gotten lost in the depths.

It’s bad enough having too few pockets at the best of times, but lacking a well organized bag is especially frustrating when you’re at a convention, carrying every little thing you might possibly need for the next 12 to 16 hours with you. I’ll be attending PAX next week, a massive 3-day convention of geeks and gaming, and as I’ve been getting my gear together for the convention, I’ve realized that I absolutely need more pockets.

The solution? Make a pocket insert! This is a strip of fabric, held stiff with some thick paper on the inside, and with pockets all along the outside, into which you can place all your little items to keep them organized and ready to hand. Then you place the whole thing inside your bag, hugging the edges of the bag, and throw your other stuff into the space left in the middle. It also means you can easily lift the whole pocket strip out and move it to another bag, making transferring stuff from one bag to another that much quicker and easier, and making you that much less likely to forget to transfer something crucial.

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LRR scouts – an outdoorsy adventure in web video costuming

I was never in Girl Scouts or Girl Guides or (obviously) Boy Scouts or Cub Scouts or any of the various youthful North American scouting groups there are to be in. I know that Boy Scouts carry pocket knives (well so do I, thanks very much) and Girl Scouts sell cookies, and that the Girl Guides (Canadian) sell cookies too, but not in the delicious variety of flavours offered by their American counterparts.

So when Graham asked me to make some Scout sashes and badges for last Monday’s LoadingReadyRun video update, I had to do a little research. And I prefer visual research. So my research was basically this:

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