Moving is the devil. After three months of house sitting, we finally moved into our own new apartment (after spending a week re-painting rooms that some previous fool of a tenant had decked out in dog shit brown – why do people do that?!), leaving behind the super sweet, adorable, ancient and floor-desecrating cat (oh how […]
a very silly hat – with knotted rabbity ears
bunny plush with zippered pocket
This was one of those weeks where the project I’d intended to write a tutorial for just wasn’t working out. I mean, it was working generally, but slowly and with tweaks needed, and I decided that I’d rather come up with an entirely new idea at the 11th hour and begin its tutorial-making process from scratch […]
bug-eyed fleece monster hats
While roaming the internet last week, I found a site telling me that January 20th is Hat Day (along with being Cheese Day, Inaugeration Day and Penguin Awareness Day. January 21st is Squirrel Appreciation Day. Seriously.) I knew this must be true, since as we all know, the internet does not lie. It just… contradicts […]