January is a bleak time of year. Christmas is over, New Year’s is past and it’s a looooooong wait until Easter. (Fortunately, in BC this year we finally got an official holiday added in February – a long weekend called Family Day. But there’s still all of January to get through.)
It usually takes me a while to let go of Christmas (our tree is still up), and it also takes Christmas a while to let go of me. As in, there are gifts still to put away (currently sitting under the tree that’s still up) and chocolates still to be eaten (we may never get through all this chocolate) and leftovers still to be used. Leftovers such as candy canes. I bought a package of 100 mini candy canes because it was the only way I could find to get mini candy canes, which I needed about 25 of. So now I have 75 of the darn things left. Well, Christmas is a time for bringing people together and helping one another. So why not extend that into January! And my friends are going to help me whether they like it or not, by ingesting some of these leftovers.