This week, random stories and pictures, and a giveaway! Read through the post, then find the giveaway bit at the end, where you can win this adorable wee tentacled friend:
Since high school, I’ve moved to six different homes in two different countries, which isn’t that much moving compared to a lot of folks I know, but it’s been enough to help me cut down significantly on stuff. Every time I move, I get rid of more things (and it’s never enough). During our last move, my boyfriend and I got rid of a lot of books, and nearly all our DVDs. CDs all went in a binder in the closet and every. Last. Jewel case got thrown out. These were all things that we, at one point in time, were so proud to own, and so sure we’d want to keep forever. And we haven’t missed any of them.
Lately I’ve been trying (and mostly failing, but still trying) to clear out my crafting room a little and get rid of things I don’t need. It’s hard. Because with crafting, you could need just about anything at some point in time. All of it might be useful. But it certainly can’t be useful all the time, and in the meantime it takes up space. Space I could be using to craft in. Just the projects I actually am working on are enough to make my desk look like Santa’s Workshop after all the elves went on a bender and trashed the place.