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W00tstock 2.0 & 2.1 photos – bonus post

Woot! Stock! Yes, I was there, LoadingReadyRun was there, many other cool people were there! For my full-on recounting of this awesome experience, see my W00tstock article posted on the fabulous Geek Girl on the Street blog.

Ok so yeah, this is a crafting blog, and no, I don’t plan to use it for a bunch of other random crap from my life. That’s what Twitter is for. But W00tstock is neither random nor crap, and it’s my blog damnit, so I’ll do what I want with it! Just consider this one of a few occasional bonus posts. Besides which, photography falls under the category of the arts, and we all know the peas-in-a-pod aspect of “arts and crafts.” So there, I’ve linked it back to crafts.

And now, on to the photos.

Here is what I believe to be the very best photo I took all weekend.

Wil collects the underwear

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If life gives you garbage, make confetti!

Maybe it’s that I spent too much time on crafting this week, or maybe it’s just the natural cycle of things, but on Thursday my creativity crashed headlong into a brick wall, quivered a bit and then lay pathetically still. Just in time to put together this week’s blog post, naturally.

Discussing this unfortunate event on Twitter, I suddenly hit upon new inspiration. My creativity moaned and stirred and staggered to its feet to collect the scattered pieces of itself.

The scattered pieces were small, varied and entirely random, but also very bright and colourful. The result? Creative confetti!

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upcycled cardboard & fabric bracelets

Alright boys and girls, here’s an original, totally Tally craft idea directly inspired by my conversion to West Coast use-your-trash Hippie-ism. As opposed to Midwestern donate-your-yogurt-tubs-to-local-kindergarten-art-teachers-and-throw-the-rest-away-cuz-the-recycling-companies-don’t-function-properly-out-here-ism, I suppose. But I digress. Next week, remind me not to write blog posts after a couple glasses of wine.

Thanks to making all those ribbon roses last week, I finished off a couple spools of ribbon and was left with the empty cardboard frames. I was about to toss them in the paper recycling bin when my hippie/pack-rat instincts kicked in and screamed, “Wait! I’m just sure you could use those for something!”

I also snitched a bunch of gorgeous little fabric scraps from my boyfriend’s mom this week. Put the fabric and the spools together and you get… beautiful new jewelry out of totally inexpensive materials – my favourite! Observe:

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easy ribbon roses

Here’s a fast, simple and elegant craft to help you prepare for Mothers’ Day. Or any other I-love-you, gift-giving, here-have-something-pretty occasion.

You don’t have to use ribbon for this, either. You can use any long and narrow piece or cloth. Try a strip of scrap fabric, even a shoelace might work. Don’t have either of those? Cut a strip off the hem of an old t-shirt. I mean, it’s for your mom. Surely you can spare one t-shirt.

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bacon wristband

Welcome to my first posting of a MAN CRAFT! Having done a scientific online survey of a large number of randomly chosen males, I can state with certainty that most men are highly attracted to bacon in pretty much any form.

Oh hell, I’m not an idiot. I knew that without conducting any kind of survey, and so did you. Now let’s do something about it.

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cherry blossoms – in felt!

I recently got back in touch with an old junior high friend. No, that makes me sound more proactive than I truly am. She got in touch with me. Turns out she’s also into the whole writing scene, and has a rather entertaining blog called Wifeish.

If you suffer spring allergies from your local flora’s overly zestful pollenation, you might enjoy one of her recent posts. It’s a rant about all that damn tree sex and how it stuffs up the sinuses.

Which got me to thinking about trees this week. Unlike my old friend, I have no problem with large amounts of tree sex, since I miss out on all but very mild allergies. In fact, I revel in all that procreating greenery, since it does just that: creates greenery.

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personalized 6-packs

Today’s post is about the unmatched joy of creative gift-giving.

I visited some friends in Seattle this past weekend, and they were (as always) the most marvelous of hosts, showing me around the city and providing me with all manner of delightful sensory experiences: Mexican chocolate, the best Italian food I’ve had outside of Italy, chocolate martinis, massive craft supply stores with countless yellow sale signs, a walk through Gasworks Park, a stage production of 3 episodes of The Twilight Zone and much more.

I knew ahead of time that they would be awesome, though even if one’s hosts are not so awesome as mine (it may be hard for others to measure up), it is still polite to give them a token of gratitude for letting you use their shower, sleep on their couch and eat their organic granola.

Being me, I wanted to make something.

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