Holidays are excuses. Excuses to eat obscene amounts of food, to dress up in funny outfits, to get out of work, to travel all the way to Moosejaw or Leavenworth to see Great Aunt Martha. Well, maybe not that last one. But after the holiday you’ll have an excuse not to visit again for a while.
They’re also an excuse to do a more-copious-than-usual amount of crafting. Easter specifically provides an excuse to do crafts involving unreasonably cute fluffy animals: bunnies, ducks, lambs. Most of which have nothing much to do with the religious or historical aspects of the holiday, but popsicle stick crosses get boring after the first one. Or even before.
When I was in grade 6 my friend and I made sock bunnies as a classroom project (we were homeschooled that year). We named them, sewed vast wardrobes for them, acquainted them with our other stuffed animals and held tea parties in their honour. My friend’s bunny even had a foam-board house, of which I was greatly envious.