We don’t really suffer a lack of greenery out here on the west coast. The colour green (as well as the colour grey, numerous shades of it in fact, I’m sad to say) is generally to be found in great abundance out here. The trick is more to keep things from growing than anything else – those who follow […]
terrarium greeting cards
dragon scale greeting cards
Here, as they say, be dragons. I have loved dragons forEVER. Patricia C. Wrede’s Dealing With Dragons and subsequent sequels were some of my favourite books as a kid (and I reread them now and again to this day), I collected all the castle themed lego I could and especially coveted the sets with dragons in them, […]
galaxy paper… and Doctor Who cupcake liners
Did you know that you can bleach paper? The same way you bleach fabric, in fact. This tutorial is a for-paper version of my lesson on making your own galaxy fabric, and it’s largely the same. Beyond the fact that it’s just marvellously awesome, there are lots of great things you can do with galaxy paper. So […]
recycled wrapping paper thank you cards
While the pre-Christmas season is one of scouring Pinterest for gift ideas and mad dashes to the mall to do your shopping, the post-Christmas season is one of recovering from too many sweets, boxing up old unused items for the goodwill, and writing thank you cards. As a kid, I was held to the rule […]
make your own stencils
As much as I enjoy doing detailed felt appliqué work, sometimes you need a faster, or just a flatter method for putting a simple image onto cards, or bags, or whatever. That’s when stencilling comes in really handy. Stencilling is, of course, when you use a reusable template of a shape/word/design to lay down a […]
cherry blossom thank you cards
I’ve been trying for ages to craft a decent representation of cherry blossoms, since they’re one of my very favourite things. The felt ones I did way back near the beginning of this blog were alright, but I never really managed to put a decent looking cherry blossom tree on a card. Until now. Cherry […]
plush baby Myr
Ah spring. That magical time of year when the air smells of poo from all the fertilizer the city dumps on public flower beds, and the trees send sneeze-inducing spores dancing on the wind. We’re moving into a season associated with sweet baby creatures gambolling in green fields. Sweet baby creatures that, as the birds […]