So, long and slurred story short, I finished this blog post earlier, came home and drank a bunch of beer to celebrate the fact that it’s Friday and screw everything that has been irksome and difficult about this week, and now my will to write a cohesive introduction has been almost entirely annihilated*. So here’s […]
galaxy fabric – MAKER OF WORLDS
felt spheres
Your first question here may very well be “Why?” And that’s understandable. But I promise you there are some excellent reasons to want to make little felt spheres, and they have nothing to do with making juvenile jokes about how many balls you have. Though you can do that too. This tutorial is the beginning […]
felt scraps garland
Y’know those cartoons where some hapless mom opens their kid’s bedroom closet and is engulfed by an avalanche toys, clothes, dirty dishes, rabid dust bunnies and heaven knows what else? Well that’s becoming the state of my crafting corner. The biggest offender is my fabric pile, which I never seem to reduce quite enough, partially […]
upcycled cardboard & fabric bracelets
Alright boys and girls, here’s an original, totally Tally craft idea directly inspired by my conversion to West Coast use-your-trash Hippie-ism. As opposed to Midwestern donate-your-yogurt-tubs-to-local-kindergarten-art-teachers-and-throw-the-rest-away-cuz-the-recycling-companies-don’t-function-properly-out-here-ism, I suppose. But I digress. Next week, remind me not to write blog posts after a couple glasses of wine. Thanks to making all those ribbon roses last week, […]
easy ribbon roses
Here’s a fast, simple and elegant craft to help you prepare for Mothers’ Day. Or any other I-love-you, gift-giving, here-have-something-pretty occasion. You don’t have to use ribbon for this, either. You can use any long and narrow piece or cloth. Try a strip of scrap fabric, even a shoelace might work. Don’t have either of […]
the literary purse – literally
This is such a neat idea! I came across it while perusing the internet for another craft entirely, and fell immediately in love. There are numerous tutorials out there, all of which use the same basic process, plus or minus certain details. This one is a good place to start and see the basic process […]