Merry almost Christmas! I’ve been crafting incessantly for the past three weeks, making gifts and getting ready for this, my favourite holiday. I’m frankly crafted out, and looking forward to simply watching people receive my creations for the next couple days. But of course the last step, after buying or making gifts, is to wrap […]
Christmas Eve present wrapping
paper ornaments – it’s Magic!
My friends and I have been playing a lot of Magic over the last few months. For those who don’t know, it’s a highly addictive fantasy-world card game that encourages you to buy way too many bits of beautifully decorated, heavyweight paper. Ie: cards. Not only have we all been buying a lot of cards, […]
sewn paper garlands
Now that we’re well past Halloween, Thanksgiving and even the first days of December, I feel I can safely delve into the realm of Christmas decorations. Dante may not have mentioned it, but rest assured that there’s a special Hell for people who play Christmas carols in the malls before December first. Christmas is often […]
round paper earrings
Today’s post comes to you via special request from Twitterer thatlaurachick. Woot! I love earrings the way some women (with more closet space) love shoes. The way some obscenely rich people love Prada bags and BMWs. The way – just to bring it down to earth a little – some people love fantasy novels and […]
beach ball paper beads
Ah paper, that wonderful, colourful diverse medium with which you can do just about anything. Even make jewelry. Generally speaking, paper is an under utilized medium for things like fashion, so you can make a pretty unique statement with a few of these dead tree beads hanging around your neck. Paper jewelry is also a […]
If life gives you garbage, make confetti!
Maybe it’s that I spent too much time on crafting this week, or maybe it’s just the natural cycle of things, but on Thursday my creativity crashed headlong into a brick wall, quivered a bit and then lay pathetically still. Just in time to put together this week’s blog post, naturally. Discussing this unfortunate event […]
fold-out fold-up cards
It’s like that old classic, the Duracell bunny: it keeps going and going and going… I started making this type of fold-up card a while ago. They’re great for occasions when you really need an extra-special card. They can take a while to complete, depending on how detailed you want to get, because there’s so […]