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All posts in category Household goods & decorations

ice cube tray candles, and BRAAAAAAINS!!!

Braaaains!!! On fire! Whether it’s Halloween or the Zombie Apocalypse, this craft has got you covered. And you can use the exact same steps in this tutorial with any silicone ice cube tray or mold to produce candles appropriate for all other times and events, too. Candle-making is actually a very simple craft in its […]


lemon trees: a progress report

“Progress report.” Isn’t that a horrible phrase? Just typing it causes a sinister shiver, and brings visions of a beige-walled, fluorescent-lit cubicle farm with a drably-suited man tapping his pencil on his clipboard and wordlessly daring you to even think about attempting any kind of humour or good cheer. The phrase also reminds me of […]

(future) lemon trees!

This week’s tutorial is going to be a little different than usual, in part because variety is fun, and in part because I was on vacation most of the last week, and the whole point of vacation is, I feel, somewhat ruined if one spends it worrying about how to get a blog post prepared. […]

paper wine charms

Since moving to our new noticeably-larger-than-a-shoebox apartment last summer, my boyfriend and I have begun doing rather more entertaining. Y’know, since there’s now room to entertain without tripping over everyone else’s feet all night. Entertaining of the kind we enjoy generally involves games, food and always drink. With a living room full of people imbibing alcohol, mingling, […]

masking tape tree paintings

The apartment war continues, my friends. This week, those white walls get dealt with. Dedicated readers may remember my horror over the endless stretch of blank white living room wall when we moved into this apartment back in June. A Great White expanse, sterile and soul-sucking, and – since we’re renters, not owners – taunting my inability […]

paper poppies

So now that Halloween is over, it’s time to get out the Christmas decorations, right? WRONG! But without any other big holidays between now and December 25, people apparently get antsy and just can’t help digging out the tinsel. Still, before you start jingling the bells, let’s pause and remember that there is one official holiday […]

easy peasy redecorated coasters

Today, dear readers, a quiz: What’s the first thing you do when preparing to move? Is it: A) Calmly assess your packing needs and begin to look for boxes. B) Book a moving van and start sucking up to your friends. (“Oooh, you have such impressive biceps! I bet you can lift really heavy stuff!”) […]