Moving is the devil. After three months of house sitting, we finally moved into our own new apartment (after spending a week re-painting rooms that some previous fool of a tenant had decked out in dog shit brown – why do people do that?!), leaving behind the super sweet, adorable, ancient and floor-desecrating cat (oh how […]
a very silly hat – with knotted rabbity ears
Bears of IT
A little while back I got a commission to make teddy bears who could blend into an office of IT workers. And one bear dressed for a generic upscale office job. I also got a commission (a totally separate one) to make a giant pickle. The point being that in the arena of custom plush-making, […]
the adventures of UrK & Wrbbl
A few weeks ago I made some very fuzzy, very neolithic (in the stereotypical and not at all historically accurate sense) costumes for a LoadingReadyRun video about some cavemen who are ahead of their time. Besides covering our entire living room in soft, clingy, static-y fuzz, it also left me with some small-but-too-large-to-throw-away faux fur […]
crafts for me – D20 purse & Tardis earrings
Much of life flips upside down and backwards when moving house. To remind me of this, two weeks ago I discovered I couldn’t remember where I’d packed any of my nice dress purses. I had a wedding to go to the next afternoon and couldn’t find anything but my dirty, everyday bike bag to hold […]
bunny plush with zippered pocket
This was one of those weeks where the project I’d intended to write a tutorial for just wasn’t working out. I mean, it was working generally, but slowly and with tweaks needed, and I decided that I’d rather come up with an entirely new idea at the 11th hour and begin its tutorial-making process from scratch […]
Creepy Doll photoshoot
One quiet Sunday afternoon…
The life and times of Creepy Doll hordes
Back in the fall, my friends over at LoadingReadyRun contracted me to make 50 Creepy Dolls for their Kickstarter. This is a plushie of a longtime LRR character with a bit of a random history. The Creepy Doll first appeared years ago in Kathleen De Vere’s webcomic Korea, as a character called the Littlest Reaper. Kathleen […]