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Bonus Post: felt squares to support… someone (in the Québec tuition debate)

Religion, sex and politics. I don’t talk about any of these much on this blog, it being a fairly light crafting blog, but religion and sex are more likely to get a passing mention here and there than politics, in part because I consider myself somewhat more knowledgable on the former two matters than the latter.

My little brother, however, just finished his political science degree, and is now going on to law school, and has all kinds of reasonably informed thoughts and opinions on matters political. He also lives in Montreal, site of much political falderah lately with the big students-versus-government fight over tuition hikes. Sides in this debate are now being visually demonstrated with coloured felt, so my brother offered to write this bonus blog post about how to use your crafting skills to indicate your own precise political opinion, just as the folks in Québec are doing. And I really couldn’t turn down a blog post that involves felt, now could I?

And now, I hand things over to Matthias. Take it away!


~~~red squares~~~

You may have seen people wearing red squares around town or heard about Québec’s student protests. They are this summer’s hot new fashion trend! I’m not going to give you a whole blog entry detailing the strike/boycott — go read Wikipedia — but I’ll include a brief summary at the end of the tutorial. Meanwhile, my sister has been nice enough to let me write a special guest article to tell you how to make your very own red square. I may not have the fancy shmancy BA in creative writing that Tally has, but I can show you how to look like Arcade Fire on SNL, like Cannes filmmakers, supporters across Canada, and literally hundreds of thousands of Québecois!

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quick, colourful gift tags

A couple weeks ago we had a sort of “unbirthday” party with my relatives for all the spring birthdays we’d been too busy to celebrate together as they happened. I made a couple small sweet hair accessories to give my cousins, and made gift tags for everyone’s goodies.

The party got scheduled a bit last-minute, so time was short, and I needed a quick, cute tag-making idea. As I’ve mentioned in other posts, my crafting lair is full of the scattered surplus materials of past projects, which I endlessly and futilely fight to use up. So for gift tag making, I opened up my small-bits-of-pretty-paper drawer and had a look.

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plush Gnarlid

So last week’s blog post just… never happened. I did manage to move ahead on a bunch of commission work, plus drink too much with friends and get through a couple Mass Effect missions, so I consider the week (and the long weekend in particular) a success. But I fell behind on tutorial-writing.

I’ve also been kept busy answering a small flood of Craft-Along emails, which I mention because if you’re not familiar with the Desert Bus for Hope Craft-Along, I encourage you to watch the video below and get acquainted with the event. It’s a chance for crafters and artists to donate their work for a great cause, and is part of the outrageous, awesome, crazy week-long event that is Desert Bus for Hope. We made a handy little informative video to tell you all about it, and you can learn more about Desert Bus itself on the event’s website.

So definitely check that out!

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new business cards!

You may have noticed (and I’m now pointing it out for those who didn’t) that I recently added a new image to my blog header, with a spiffy little icon & my blog’s (new) name in nice big green letters. You may also have noticed my new avatar in G+ and a couple other places, my old alien monster critter but pepped up, sandwiched by my new site name.

All this is happening because I know such awesome people. My talented friend Ashton (who could probably build a rocketship if he felt like it, or more likely code a robot to build a rocketship for him) did a bunch of back-end fixing of things & adding of things to make my blog way more functional, which for him was super easy stuff & for me was an impossible nightmare. Ashton fixed everything up in a few blinks of an eye, then went back to coding rocket-building robots in his spare time.

Then shortly after that, my friend Matt approached me with an idea for new Tally’s Treasury business cards, right about the time I was thinking about how I really needed to get some new business cards. Matt is not only highly talented and experienced in the ways of graphic design, he’s also incredibly prompt and communicative and was wonderfully responsive to my numerous finicky little “change this eeeeever so slightly” requests. He didn’t threaten to strangle me even once, which was pretty awesome of him. And he had this really cool design idea!

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shortening skirts, re-hemming skirts, & salvaging screw-ups

It sure has been a week. Yes it has. There were social engagements nearly every evening, tons to get done at work, I spent a couple days fighting off some kind of cold that wanted to subdue me, I finished two commission projects, we had a 4-hour Desert Bus 6 meeting on the weekend, and there was Mother’s Day.

If that weren’t enough, I also did a closet cull this week, saying farewell to many old articles of clothing. I’ve been making myself so many new garments over the past year that some of the old stuff just had to go. Anything I hadn’t worn within a couple months was up for serious review, but among those unworn items was a skirt I love. I got it somewhere years ago in early university, probably on sale. It’s comfortable, it’s swishy, it’s a pretty colour, and always seemed to garner compliments when I wore it (rather oddly, for such an ordinary piece of clothing). But it’s long, and now that I bike everywhere, long skirts are just not practical. I decided instead of getting rid of it, I’d shorten it to a more functional length.

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(future) lemon trees!

This week’s tutorial is going to be a little different than usual, in part because variety is fun, and in part because I was on vacation most of the last week, and the whole point of vacation is, I feel, somewhat ruined if one spends it worrying about how to get a blog post prepared.

Initially, I wasn’t planning on doing any kind of tutorial at all this week – I was just going to ramble at length about projects I’ve been working on but haven’t finished, and projects I’d like to do in the future, and try to insert a few entertaining anecdotes along the way. So really you should consider yourselves lucky that you’re getting this instead. Unless you’re allergic to lemons, in which case this post may be a bit lost on you. Not that I’ve ever met anyone who’s actually allergic to lemons – is that even a thing? I assume it’s a thing, because these days someone somewhere seems to be allergic to anything and everything you can think of, from peanuts and wheat to organic zucchini. Some poor soul out there is probably even allergic to crayons, which is pretty much the most tragic allergy I can think of. Anyway, if you’re allergic to lemons I do apologize, but I promise that next week’s post will have nothing whatsoever to do with any citrus fruit.

My boyfriend’s sister once told me that you can grow lovely, leafy houseplants from lemon seeds – just the seeds that come out of the lemons you buy at the grocery store and squeeze onto your organic grain-fed free-run chicken breast. So I started collecting seeds.

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Assassin’s Creed 3 hood – this time it’s a full tutorial!

Remember several weeks ago when I posted about making an Assassin’s Creed 3 costume piece for a LoadingReadyRun video? The post where I was like, “this turned out so well, it totally wasn’t even that tricky to do, isn’t it awesome” and then didn’t include a tutorial. Cuz I’m a jerk. Well this week I’ve got the full tutorial and pattern for you, so you can just feel bad about calling me a jerk now. Even though I’m the one that did that. Huh, I kinda feel bad. I think this is working.

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