It’s birthday month! I recently discovered via graphs and official information gathering (someone else’s) that this isn’t actually true, but it always seems to me as if there are more birthdays in March than practically any other month. So yeah, apparently not true, but I’m still sticking with calling it birthday month. It’s my birthday month, […]
scrap paper garlands
fingerless fleece monster gloves
It’s taken me a long time to write this particular tutorial, so let me be brief with my introduction. Monsters are awesome, monsters are cute, I like monsters, so let’s make a few. Burma shave. These are simple, adorable fleece gloves that will keep you warm and amused. And while they’re great for kids, they’re […]
plastic tub party hats
When enough champagne is imbibed, people become willing to put just about anything on their heads and pose for a picture.* Or so I’m hoping, since this week my mom and I made several silly, colourful party hats from old yogurt tubs. With New Year’s Eve happening tomorrow, I have a perfect opportunity to test […]
monsters of cuteness
The art of creating monsters is a varied one. For some people it’s as simple as a little drunken procreation. Others slave away in dripping cellars, stitching together bits of this cadaver and that one and waiting for a thunderstorm. But my method is quite different from both of these, and is clearly superior due […]